Mini-Contest Winner and a Word on Minion Bling
Okay, first, my Minion Horde, let's talk about the Bling. As you know (or should by now, if you read my blog), several Minions weren't receiving their Minion Bling because the envelopes were getting torn up in the machines at the post office. Machines that the postal folks repeatedly ensured me the envelopes would never be in. They SWORE to me again and again that due to the contents' size, all envelopes with Bling would be hand cancelled. In short, they lied. And ticked Auntie Heather off, because DUDE...nobody messes with my Minions. So, after much thought and agonizing over the idea of making it more expensive on your part to collect your free Bling, I've decided that I really have no choice but to change the way Bling is shipped. From now on, if you want Bling, you have two ways to get it:
1) (the best way) See Auntie Heather in person. It's very rare for me not to have Bling at my events, so have at it! 2) Mail a Self-Addressed Stamped bubble Envelope (no bigger than 6"x9") with at least $1.60 postage attached (address is on my Minion Bling page).
As you can imagine, my Minions, there are thousands of you, so Auntie Heather can't afford to mail Bling on her own. If you send a letter (yay, letters!) with no envelope, I can't send you Bling. If you send stamps with no bubble envelope, I can't send you Bling. If you don't send a SASbE, I can't send you Bling. If your SASbE is larger than 6"x9", I can't send you Bling. So work with me on this, okay? I realize that tons of Bling has been lost in the mail and I am just heartsick over it. I want you each to have your own Bling and wear it with pride. So...this is the only way I can see to make that happen. Eventually, I'll have these instructions up on my Miion Bling page, but for now, spread the word, 'kay?
And by the purple Bling is on its way! Oh, and I added some appearances to my Appearances page.
Okay, something else. I've decided to give the winners of the mini-contest each an ARC of NINTH GRADE SLAYS and their choice of paperbacks: EIGHTH GRADE BITES or NINTH GRADE SLAYS. Cuz I'm cool like that. So without further ado...
Tabitha, you win! Drop me an email with your mailing address and which paperback you want along with your ARC - all will be autographed by yours truly. Congrats!
P.S. SpaceKing800, I was deeply touched too. No worries - I'm surprising kellie4inchey's son with a birthday gift. :)=
The post office bugs me as well. There annoying -_-
Congrats Tabitha!
Congratulations Tabitha!! Haha yeah the post office is always causing trouble for me too. New purple minion bling!?!??! AWESOME!! :)= Congrats again, and yay kellie4inchey's son gets a kool birthday gift! that also really touched me.
Congratulations, Tabitha! I hope you enjoy your ARC copy of Ninth Grade Bleeds. Spread the Vlad Love!
Thanks, Auntie Heather. I am sure that kellie4inchies son will love the birthday gift. It's just the little things that can change someones lives.
- SpaceKing800
Congrats to the winners! Lucky ducks! :)=
Yay!!! Minion Bling!!! I will have to get some as soon as possible. And purple Minion Bling? Even better! I love purple!
hey auntie heather how many of those forever stamps will it take to equal 1.60 cause that is all i have
i want minion bling that is so cool!!!! i want that i want that!!!!
i would love to have some. that would be totally PWNING and outstanding, i would stand out of the crowd even more than i do now!! yay great! ill get some as soon as possible!
yor books are awesome! i am currently readin ninth grade slays. so far it is a wonderful book! i luv it!
im traped in your amazing novel!!!! even thow my mom interupts me every time i go to read. P.S. good luck on puperl bling sounds like another one of ur amazing ideas!! :)=
>.< FIRST! I want to say:: I can't believe someone FINALLY used my name in a GOOD novel. I'm in college now, and I think it's positively amazing that you used the name Vladimir and didn't make him someone I hate. Congradulations to you, my dear.
Also, I should congradulate Tabitha. Had I known there was a contest, I would have sumbitted a picture of my dark self. Even if I'm almost the oposite of this Vladimir in apperance.
Secon--well..err..THIRD! What is this "Bling"? Is it a pin? A necklace? Clothing? @_@ Obviously purple...but what is it? >>; Any help on this IS appreciated. <3
Well, lovies, I must get back to my own journal. God, I hope more kids these days write more.
AND! OMG! THE NEWS IS HILARIOUS! Hugs are banned? Haha. That's awkward.
I HAVE a really important question Auntie Heather !
I want to send you a letter !
On One page of your website, it says that your address is #366....but on the minion bling page, it says it's #362 ! which one ?
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