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Monday, January 12, 2009


Two things, Minions:

1. The blog is about to get really quiet for about a week, as Auntie Heather is only SEVEN CHAPTERS away from writing "The End" on ELEVENTH GRADE BURNS. (EEEEEEEEEE!!!!)

and 2. What is the one thing you would absolutely LOVE to see happen in The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod?


Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

That is awesome Auntie Heather, Congrats!

Vlad finding out the truth of his parents' death. Wow, thats not very original... You're probably planning on that all ready.

Let mesza see...... nope thats it, or him meeting another vampire his age, but thats not very original at all, either.

But I would rather the first answer I gave you, but thats just my opinion.

luv AVL

8:45 AM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

O0o0o0o0o I'm so excited, I am going to my friend Kristin's house in NJ from morning of arpil 7th to the 9th and its going to be so awesome! We are going to go to the movies, get our nails done -the place she goes to has this hole thing-, hang out at the mall, and hang out stuff I can't wait!

and the cool thing is when I'm with her we can go into a buncha stores. and I am like soooo gonna ask if we can go into Hottopic and stuff, does anyone know any good Goth-stores that would be in a mall????

My mom brings me to limited too and claires! I hate limited too I only like some things my mom got me from there that I picked out, the stuff I got aint even pink! their brown and blue, I refused pink.

luv AVL

8:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Limited Too is too limited for me (as in, the one cute thing I saw there was too small, and the 'in' style there last time I passed it offended me so I now don't like it)


Darn, but hey, if you finish up quick it'll get published quicker, right? Right?

Hm... something I'd like to see... HMMMM... well, I don't know.

9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome! Good luck Auntie and if i think of anything (which i doubt) 'll let you know!
ur goign to NJ, ur goign to be around me then lol


9:36 AM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

Lol, my friend lives in Hillsborough.

luv AVL

9:38 AM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

Auntie Heather, when your done with writing your books, will you still have Heatherbrewer.com/bleedingink? or for that matter your website in general ?

luv AVL

9:48 AM  
Blogger Heather Brewer said...

AVL - The only mall store even remotely goth is Hot Topic. Have fun!

Of course my site/blog will still be around! I have many more books planned for after the Vlad series, silly. :)

10:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Hot Topic, and i think Spencer's is goth. i haven't actually felt like going in there ever though. Anyone seen the new (and very disturbing) Edward ation figure in Hot Topic.com? Really disturbing!
Something i want to see, Auntie is Vlad and Merideth finally together!

1:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would actually LOVE to know why Vlad's eyes change to purple, but you might already be writing that, so...=]
- Sarah

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spencers is more like....nvm
Hillsborough...hmm...sounds familar, but then again it could be from a different book or randomly came up in conversation...
Anywhoo, have fun!


2:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want to see something really weird and random like merideth is a vampire or something.

2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my friend told me about the edward thing very weird....

i would like some stuff with vlad and mere unless they do in tenth grade.... idk
Vikas should come back cuz hes amazing : )

3:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well i would LOVE to see the main character alive at the end(so there is a chance of more books like "Collage grade sucks"[if that's how it would be said]) Mainly just "Everyone lived happily ever after except for the humans being feasted upon :)=

3:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hot topic is cool, and i like most of their stuff...i've only passed by spencer's a few times so i am not sure. i'm also not sure what i would like to see happen in vlad...i have to think about it :) good luck with the writing auntie! glad to hear the blog will still be around :)=

4:35 PM  
Blogger Vampireex3 said...

HotTopic!<3 :D
Ooh yes, Vlad and Merideth together! :)
Or he could fall in love with another girl-WHOS A VAMPIRE HIS AGE ! :O

5:24 PM  
Blogger Camidee said...

I wanna see Vlad teach a lesson to D'Ablo. >:( That jerk trying to kill poor Vlad! Also for Vlad and Merideth to go out with each other. ^^

5:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanna see Vlad take down Bill and Tom ,but im only in the middle of ninith grade slays ihope you go all the way to 12 grade etc... since it would seem hard to end on his junior year of high shool.

6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



Whoa, that's totally a word.




6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i kinda wanna see joss again in like the last book. that would amazing. i also wanna see him dance. :)

7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hot topic is the bomb!

In the book, I want Vlad to fall in love with someone else...or have another relative.

9:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, congrats Auntie! 'tis pretty sweet...
and I would definetly LOVE Vlad to find a vampire his own age!

Happy January! (i dunno...)


Vampire Amanda!

5:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind seeign a vampire around Vlad's age either...
Any tips on how to delivery a speech? I'm open to any help!
Oh...and Hot Topic does rock


12:18 PM  
Blogger A Dance With Sweet Disaster said...

hottopic is amazing
spencers is... uhh im not even going there. lets just say anyone under the age of oh say.. 80 shouldnt go in there.

i would posistively love to see some more oddly random things in the books x] like.. how about some random flying monkeys on a tv screen? ahaha randommmm.

congrats on almost being done with 11GB!! i cant wait[:

1:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

another vampire his age would be cool. also, hot topic is like the best store ever

2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be cool to have Vlad meet some other vamps his age. Or around his age.

I would really like to see D'Ablo be rid of. And it would be nice to find out the truth of how Vlad's p'rents died.

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know I'd love to see Vlad move in one of the books...

Or maybe just some new students?

4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to see something happen to Otis... That would be freaky! Because without Otis, who else can Vlad connect to?

Also, I would like to see Vlad meet another vampire his age... that would be awesome!

Hey, does any one want to hear a qoute I heard?

Edward Cullen May be Bella's gug but VLADIMIR TOD is mine!

Vladimir Tod is so much better than Twilight!

Yeah, thats basically it.

Keep on writing, keep on writing ( Remix of keep on swimming from finding nemo)

6:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to see a Vladimir Tod movie come out this year... Hollywood doesn't know what they're missing!

6:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! I hope he's a good dancer then! I don't get why's he's so unpopular tho... I also think he should meet a super-cool vampire his age, cuz that would be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

9:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to see Otis falling for Nelly (even though it seems like he already is), but I would love to see if he kisses her!!
That would really surprise me!! XD

By the way, does Otis really have blond hair?

Cause I can only picture him with black and with the blue eyes, he reminds me of someone :3 ....

And if ever The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod were to be turned into the movie, I know the perfect two people to play Uncle Otis and Aunt Nelly.
Adam Gontier (of Three Days Grace) and Naomi (his wife).

Every time I think about Otis or Nelly, or both, its always those two. But if Otis does have blond hair then... T-T

He he he
Well good luck with Eleventh Grade Bites!! Hope its gonna be great (eventually it will be cause Auntie Heather makes the best books :P )
So anyway, good luck!!

Heather, I'm gonna be writing a fan fiction of Vladimir. I'm not saying how its gonna go, cause its a surprise! ;P

10:04 PM  
Blogger deathshadow7127 said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

10:50 PM  
Blogger deathshadow7127 said...

Honestly, I really want to see Vlad have some thoughts about feeding off Henry's cat or actually feeding off it and then Henry coming in. Also, I would like to see D'ablo dead. Oh, I also want to see some more animorphing, or whatever it was that Vikas did when he went with the wolves. Then the classic Otis and Nelly getting together, along with Meredith and Vlad. And maybe seeing Henry's cousin coming back or something to do with him.

And maybe even have them reveal that there are other creatures instead of just vampires. Like maybe they'll make a refrence to Lycans(werewolves) or something. And that's all I can think of right now.

Oh, and I would like to see Henry accidently eating blood. Like accidently grabbing Vlad's ketchup or something.

Of course, I'd like to see more blood and humor to.

10:54 PM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

Really? Yay! -Auntie Heather- i wasn't sure if the site would still be up! o0o0o0o0o0o new books?!?!?!?!?!

thanks for the have funs! srry Jess i have no idea how to be bettr and stuff, i have stage fright unbelievably!

luv AVL p.s man i missed so much conversation!

6:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two things I want to see:

1. Vlad actually drink blood from a real person
2. Have him wind up with a. A girl who is not Meredith or b. No one at all

9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally forgot!! The number one thing I want to see is: A happy ending! I've been traumatized by too many vampire stories where the main character dies ):

9:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1.I think Vlad drinking blood from a real person would be awsome!!!2. Vlad learning to use hand to hand style combat. 3 Discover Joss had killed his parents.4Also animorphing and yousing his vampiremark

4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As others have said Vlad dancing. that... would... be... awesome/some what hilarious.
and agreeing with deathshadaw, Henry accidentally drinking blood
and as I was reading other minion's answers I though of a few myself

1) (Ties in with the dancing thing) Some girl who likes Vladimir asks him to a dance and he gets all flustered and panics and says yes.

2) Vlad having the torture of going through finals (just finished all of mine today >_< )

3) A birthday party!!! I don't care whose, but that would be a fun chapter

5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, a birthday party! Or something really sweet happening (heaven forbid, I'm sure), like a wedding or a baby... yeah never mind.

8:21 PM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

WHOA WHOA WHOA, so some boys not even adults get into a fight and the ones father and brother grab a baseball bat and join in? And now one is in the hospital all cause somebody called the other a name?

luv AVL

5:24 AM  
Blogger Vortican said...

Vlad learning to animorph! I hope his form is something cool. A wolf would be awesome, but a black cat would be more inconspicuous as well as totally cute! ^o^
Also, so far all the vampires that we've met have been male. A strong female vampire would be a cool addition to the world and give vampire society more depth.
Thanks for asking our opinions, and I can't wait to read more!!
Go Otis!

7:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love to read about Vlad teliing the girl he loves that he's a vampire.

7:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yeah. it's me again (from above). not THAT buff. just strong, u know?

9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, not really. I personally like skinny guys but... minority vote is me... so yeah.... err

8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hot topic=awesome=happy people

i think vlad's crush should stick to meredith. but, i don't care what happens. just something awesome!!! oh! or vlad turn into a bat! or something like that. maybe. idk.

12:55 PM  
Blogger Asiat Averas said...

I think that what happens in the books is completely your choice, but GOSH, I wish that Meredith would find out about Vlad and completely accept him for it... so long as he doesn't bite her.

3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Auntie Heather

i totally want (if you already havnt planned) for nelly and otis to be together because it would be a good thing for vlad to have a father figure around all the time for vlad so he doesnt miss his parents so much and so otis can teach vlad how to use and excercise all his power to get better at defending him self

but im all in for whatever you got planned i so want to know what happens next Auntie heather your such a devil to make all us minions wait impationtly for these insanely fawsome (not a typo)books but such a angel for writing them

your my hero Auntie Heather

cant wait for tenth grade bleeds and elevnth grade burns i bet i fall in love with them all over again

Later Auntie Heather Have fun writing!!!!

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Eleventh Grade the last book or is there a 12th?

I don't know...Maybe he could tell Mereidth that he's a half-vampire see how she reacts. I really like Vald, he's awesome and I hope that when you do finish this series *cries* that you will defitnetily write more young adult books.

11:04 PM  
Blogger Heather Brewer said...

Don't worry, Minion - you haven't seen the last of books from Auntie Heather.

And the final book in the Vlad Tod series will be TWELFTH GRADE KILLS.

7:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa, thought you had a type right there (TWELFTH) for a second.

twelfth is a funny word.

7:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes it is. it's funny to say. hehehehehehelheehheehehh sorry feeling a litle hyper aisrhehttp://mail.google.com/mail/#a

8:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would hope Vlad falls in love with an asian girl, who was also a halfy. :D

1:32 PM  
Blogger bloodythorn_2009 said...

i just want you to surprise me auntie heather ^^ but im going to throw my two cents out there anyways. i think it would be utterly neato if by chance he discovers another half vampire and that he might not be that whole profecy thing himself (thought the reader will KNOW that he is). but not only that but the other halfy is trying to kill vlad so that he(or her) could be the profecy thingy.

8:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what i would realy like to see is vlad turning marideth into a vampire and him finding out his parents deth

4:48 PM  
Anonymous Jasycc said...

Hmm, I think a good story line would include the death of Vlad's best friend, Henry. Henry gets killed by a group of rebel vampires that work outside of Elysia, and Vlad goes on a journey to avenge the death of his closest friend. Now that, seems pretty detailed enough? Can't wait to read Tenth grade bleeds By the way!

6:23 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

this series is the best and before i looked at the blog i guessed 11th grade ...uhhh icant remeber but i guessed the title of the 12 th book..anyways i have always been interested in vampire books and this is the best so good luck on the series and it will be interesting to read merideths reaction if vlad tells her wat he so i cant wait till the rest of the series
my email for heather

3:35 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i love the vlad books one of my favorite series anyway heather heres my email nt22222@aim.com

5:43 AM  
Anonymous Demi S. said...

1) Vlad tell Meredith that he's a vamp.
2) Otis kiss Nelly full on the lips passionately.
3) Vlad train with Vikas and Otis on hand to hand combat, totally showing them up with shocking strength.
4) Finding new abilities and figuring out how to use them. Maybe one where there's an emergency and the ability just pops up out of panic and stress...or hunger. (I also want to see something happen with the animorphing.)
5) Vlad going to Snow only a couple of times to feed but then tells Otis after some embarrasing figeting at the table. Either that or Otis follows him to one of his meetings with Snow (that is if more occur)
6) Snow appearing at school waiting for Vlad. As he reaches her, Snow notices a girl eyeing them, Vlad following her line of sight finding out that it's meredith and that she's a bit jealous.

Okay I know these are detailed, sorry, I do that alot. Of course these are only suggestions and what not. I'll be back for more!!! >3

10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

snow hinting that she likes vlad

7:05 AM  

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What People Are Saying About 'Eighth Grade Bites'

"A spooky mystery that's funny, gruesome, heartwarming, spellbinding, sad, joyous, surprising and topped off with a tasty blend of blood and chocolate. Yum. What more could you ask for?" ~D.J. MacHale, New York Times-bestselling author of PENDRAGON: JOURNAL OF AN ADVENTURE THROUGH TIME AND SPACE

"'Eighth grade Bites' had me on the edge of my seat. It's a great piece of fiction. It drops you right into the action, grabs you by the throat (pun intended), and won't let go. Vladimir Tod is a truly sympathetic character cursed with an existence not of his own doing, but doing his best to do the right thing. It's part 'Goosebumps' mixed with 'Harry Potter' and a dash – no, a heaping tablespoon – of Stephen King. If you're in eighth grade, or a vampire, or an eighth grade vampire, 'Eighth Grade Bites' is a definite must read!"~Butch Hartman, creator of Nickelodeon's THE FAIRLY ODD PARENTS and DANNY PHANTOM

"Eighth Grade Bites is a terrific vampire tale told with a sharp, middle-school grin. It definitely does not bite!" ~Christopher Moore, author of BLOODSUCKING FIENDS and A DIRTY JOB

"Eighth Grade Bites is a delightful novel filled with dark, biting humor that will appeal to everyone who ever felt they were different. A deft hand at depicting the angst of teen years, Heather Brewer does a wonderful job blending vampire legend with the modern day horror that strikes fear in the heart of so many: the eighth grade."~Katie MacAlister, New York Times-bestselling author of EVEN VAMPIRES GET THE BLUES

"Heather Brewer has invented the most endearing of vampires in Vlad, an eighth grader juggling the woes of adolescence with the decidedly unique difficulties of being a vampire. She perfectly captures the humor and angst of eighth grade, mixed with a nail-biting adventure. Utterly charming and irresistible!" ~Liza Conrad, author of HIGH SCHOOL BITES: THE LUCY CHRONICLES

"This book will fool you. Just when you think you've identified it as a story lit by the cheery glow of a slightly scary jack-o-lantern, it becomes something else -- a tale told by the flickering light of a dying campfire late at night. And the shadows are very dark indeed. A surprising mix of humor and horror." ~Douglas Rees, author of VAMPIRE HIGH

"Fresh and fast-paced, with just the right brew of chills and laughs. I’m looking forward to finding out what happens when Vlad hits Grade Nine." ~Nancy Baker, author of KISS OF THE VAMPIRE

"A fabulous book from a gifted storyteller! I never wanted it to end." ~Gena Showalter, author of OH MY GOTH