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Monday, December 08, 2008

Ice, Laughter, and Working While I Wait

I woke up this morning to the world covered in glare ice. Particularly the roads and sidewalks. And Auntie Heather has approximately zero balance, so walking my daughter to the bus stop was just dandy. But when I got back to the house, I had a negative review waiting, and that lifted my spirits.

What's that? Has Auntie Heather lost her ever-lovin' mind? Well, yes, but this isn't why. See, the reviewer absolutely didn't get EIGHTH GRADE BITES. They had several facts wrong and rambled on in such a ridiculous, venomous manner that I couldn't help but laugh. But what really made me lose it was that at the end - after all the negative things the reviewer had to say (which is totally fine; to each their own) - they said that they'd be reading the rest of the series.

Huh? Okaaaayy...

Why you would want to waste your time with a series you clearly despise is beyond me, but...whatever floats your boat, dude. And hey, I'm glad you'll be reading the rest of my series. New readers are always welcome.

So now Auntie Heather is sitting down with the Muse and working out a few minor details (okay, and a few major) for ELEVENTH GRADE BURNS. This book is proving to be the most complicated Vlad book yet. There's just so much going on. It's a challenge to fit all of the details in. But it's fun to write, so that makes the work go relatively smoothly.

I'm also waiting on my fabulous agent, who's reading what I like to call the Super Secret Project. SSP is near and dear to me and hopefully I'll be able to talk about it soon. But I'm waiting to give up details on that. Auntie Heather is superstitious, oh yes. About some things anyway...


Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

No worrys auntie, we're not gonna give you a bad review, and like you said, if they made so many mistakes, they prob just some dude who just started 'reviewing' and only skimed through EGB. i'm more calm then normal, prob a sign i should be writing today, but i will be over my gram's, till 7 anyway......

Luv AVL, Auntie Heather, i am proud to be in your minion horde and i am proud you are me Auntie, and i am proud to love Vlad, i cant wait Auntie, for all the new books to come.

7:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Auntie. Don't mind her/him/it, they don't know nothin ;P
I wish you luck with all your projects :)


10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be with the my muse today too (overdue fanfiction chapter=no readers=me >( ) Even though my self-inflicted due date was yesterday.

Oh well. Writing makes me happy. So... yeah.

That sounds like someone I've seen who hates Twilight, but they had a good excuse (wanting to make a spoof of it for all their friends)

Don't hurt yourself on that ice!

11:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That review seems like fun to read, just shows you how people don't use their heads anymore!

Can't wait to here about SSP!

12:39 PM  
Blogger Heather Brewer said...

AVL, that's the calmest post I think I've ever seen from you ;)

Jess, you are so sweet!

RJ, Yay, writing day!! I hope the muse has been kind to you. Mine keeps getting distracted. Grr...

K8, hopefully I'll be able to talk about SSP soon. Cross your fingers!

12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thnx :) I'm here to help instead of mopping around in my Monday blues


1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was relatively agreeable, though the chapter ended up only being about 990 words long, I usually try to get to a thousand...

Hopefully yours stops doing that.

3:40 PM  
Blogger Camidee said...

SSP? Oooh....is it another book!? Maybe that Devin's Playground wirting that used to be in your writing progress thing, or maybe the title to that last Vlad book!? Omg, so many things to wonder this month. I told my mom about what I wanted for christmas and she got me some stuff but I have no clue as to what they are since they don't match anything I said. They're too big and heavy. WHAT ARE THEY!? I'm seriously going mad with curiosity.

Anyway Auntie, those people are probably too judgemental or whatever. A book is someone's story and how they write, is how they write. They shouldn't be saying those things. Besides, if they're reading the others then it's obvious they secretly like them. XD So, good luck with everything, Auntie! Can't wait to hear about the project. ^^

4:20 PM  
Blogger A Dance With Sweet Disaster said...

Auntie Heather I am dying to know what SSP is[:

I cant wait till you can talk about it!!

That review seems rather amusing...

its all icy here too! it was snowing in november which is really unusual where I live.

I'm excited for TGB&EGB!

happy writing[:

4:24 PM  
Blogger Heather Brewer said...

RJ, 1000 words is a nice, healthy daily goal!

Camidee, SSP is something I haven't really spoken about. It's something totally different from what I'm doing now, but promises to be really good (I hope, anyway!). :)

Soon, Dance, soon!

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love how you accept everyone's thoughts on your books Auntie! i personally think that they are great -_^ i've been working on a story for a long time now, and it's 25,759 words. that seemed like a lot to me, but when you think about 200 page books i'm sure that their are way more than that...i'm also very curious about the SSP!! be careful on that ice!


5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to get into the habit if writing more, lately it's just been 1000 a week. LAME. Stupid muse won't help 90% of the time.

6:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry wonderful author. I had the same awful thing happen with my story. I posted it online then this one girl with serious OCD kept finding every single typo I had and every little mistake, and ruined my mood.

Truly, I got most of it the first time. Plus, if you read it more than once it makes more sense each time.

But, if you want to know why they might be reading all of it. To either: A. Get a better understanding of the book or B. Find more little things to nag about.

Love your books. :3

7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tend to be a little OCDish when it comes to reviewing stories, but I'm only trying to help.

8:05 PM  
Blogger Heather Brewer said...

Julz, if you're writing a YA novel, you should aim between 40,000 and 60,000 words. But tell the story in the way that it needs to be told, because in the end, if it's told right, the wordcount won't really matter.

RJ, any amount of words is good - so long as you write every day! I hear ya on the muse. Mine grunts occasionally, but I do the work. ;)

Aiko, It sounds like she was just trying to help - sometimes those little nitpicks are what we really need to improve as writers. Don't let it get you down! You should see the notes I get from my editor. :)

6:41 AM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

I have been calm lately, that is the calmest post i ever writen,

i am not going to do anything with editors or ya or anything like that at least until the book is done, i'm an unconfident person.
that was cool how you replyd so much like that, when we got home from my gram's we had to go straigh up stairs and hang in my brothers room (my dad has work today, so he had to go straight to bed, and we're not allowed to be down stairs when he asleep) so i didnt get to see anymore post ;)=

Luv AVL waiting for all your books to come, is a challenge worth while.

7:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, and I got a new review on one of my stories today, a positive one! So, good mood for me. I'm doing a writing assignment today, take a fictional character and put them in an unfamiliar environment.

10:07 AM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

RJ do you have your storys online or can i see them on a website or something?

luv AVL

11:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not my original ones, no, unless you're a friend of mine on yahoo. If you follow the link on my name you should find four of my fanfictions. (it goes to my Fanfiction.net profile, scroll down and you'll find my fanfictions)

1:55 PM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

Grrrr my mom has that page blocked. i'm about to ask her if she can unblock the page to "a day in the life of heather brewer, according to her son jacob" thingy, i havnt seen it yet. well anyways i'm sure your storys r good even if i cant see them, Grrr.

luv AVL

2:04 PM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

lol, that video was funny, lol


2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dang. I'm assuming that posting any of them on the forum would be stupid considering that they aren't even remotely about Vlad and you don't have an account on it either, do you?

Oh well. There *are* some pretty bad things on that website, so it makes sense that she would block.

3:33 PM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

Yeah, i guess she had a reason, but she doesnt really 'individualy' go on each site and see she has this website and it does any site that has something bad on, aka myspace or any place like that. No i dont have an account on the forum, well i do but i cant go on it.

luv AVL

3:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry i haven't posted for a while, i've been sooo busy!! thanks for the advice Auntie Heather!! i really would like to become an author some day :) i agree completely auntie, it's good to tell the story how it needs to be told -_^ Thanks again! RJ, i posted some of my story on the forum, but it has nothing to do with Vlad, i think it would be fine to post it, and I would love to read some!


6:17 PM  
Blogger Heather Brewer said...

RJ, you could always post in Otis's Classroom - I created it for writers. :) And yay, good review!!

Did you get to see it, AVL??

7:01 PM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

To see the video Auntie???? Yeah my mom unblocked the page so i could see it, i thought the last part was the funniest. or if you mean RJ's storys i didnt get to see them, *snifles*

Luv AVL *big vamp hug* for auntie

6:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I started working on the Win Things story, but I'm not even close to done and it has 766 words...:(
So, I decided to just make it into a book and write another, shorter, story. I am way too descriptive though...I guess that's not a bad things...



6:42 AM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

what you can do (vampire amanda) is make the story -dont worry how many words- just keep it in 1500 then once you finish, edit it down to 1000. thats what i did (well not exactly 1500,) it makes it easier when writing so you dont have to worry to much about the limit, then edit it down to 1000 or less if you want ;)=

luv AVL, hope i could help!

6:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I usually make three pages on Corel (the writing program I use), which is usually about a thousand words.

I might, though they're all Batman (whee, and now I want to start writing another thanks to a dream I had last night)

My muse works either too fast or too slow >_<

10:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I kept watch of the numbers cause on teh bottom of the document stated teh numbers of word.
uh...idk what else to say O.O


12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blah.... I'm really crabby and don't want to go anywhere tonight... and have no idea why. >_< *head desk head desk head desk*

3:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch somebody said something like that, how can anyone dislike your books( I think i just died a little inside)wakarimasen! :)=

3:22 PM  
Blogger Vampireex3 said...

1.Someday zero balance can help you :D (Idk how, but maybe =p)
2.Reviewer's opinions dont matter, cos your minions still love you and your books<3
3.The reviewer's a loser x]
5.WHATS THE SSP!?!?! -spazz spazz- D:

4:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is snowin' in HOUSTON!!!! WHOOO!!!

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Houston... TEXAS?! Cool! It's been flurrying then melting before anyone gets up here.

6:23 PM  
Blogger Vampireex3 said...

Its just rainning here..;-;

7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's been foggy, but snow is not coming as far as I know....:(=

7:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sad day.

7:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, but it pissed me off. :3

At least they didn't comment about my facts. I'm a vampire expert.

5:17 AM  
Blogger Heather Brewer said...

Awwww, thank you, Vampireex3!

6:23 AM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

Rain and ice here, i almost fell down twice and my dog fell down once, it was funnie when i almost did, but i felt bad for my dog.


6:24 AM  
Blogger Heather Brewer said...

AVL, that's what I meant! Cool, huh? Jacob is seriously funny. Bummer about RJ's stories though.

Vampire Amanda, sounds like a plan!

RJ, we have the same Muse problem. :) Why are you crabby, Minion? Sorry you had a bad day!

6:25 AM  
Blogger Heather Brewer said...

AVL, that's what I meant! Cool, huh? Jacob is seriously funny. Bummer about RJ's stories though.

Vampire Amanda, sounds like a plan!

RJ, we have the same Muse problem. :) Why are you crabby, Minion? Sorry you had a bad day!

6:26 AM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

Yeah it was funny! It reminds me of my mom a little, she loves to write, she is thinking (well i told her and she agreed) that once she finishs school (she is going for a higher thing) that she writes, i honestly think you 2would get along well!


6:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had sleeping problems my whole life and my mom gives me grief about it.

And now I think I might have writer's block because of it >_<

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel bad 4 my dog i was throwing snowballs @ him he kept eating them!!! Dogs these days!!!=] Can't belive it's snowing!!!!

6:32 PM  

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What People Are Saying About 'Eighth Grade Bites'

"A spooky mystery that's funny, gruesome, heartwarming, spellbinding, sad, joyous, surprising and topped off with a tasty blend of blood and chocolate. Yum. What more could you ask for?" ~D.J. MacHale, New York Times-bestselling author of PENDRAGON: JOURNAL OF AN ADVENTURE THROUGH TIME AND SPACE

"'Eighth grade Bites' had me on the edge of my seat. It's a great piece of fiction. It drops you right into the action, grabs you by the throat (pun intended), and won't let go. Vladimir Tod is a truly sympathetic character cursed with an existence not of his own doing, but doing his best to do the right thing. It's part 'Goosebumps' mixed with 'Harry Potter' and a dash – no, a heaping tablespoon – of Stephen King. If you're in eighth grade, or a vampire, or an eighth grade vampire, 'Eighth Grade Bites' is a definite must read!"~Butch Hartman, creator of Nickelodeon's THE FAIRLY ODD PARENTS and DANNY PHANTOM

"Eighth Grade Bites is a terrific vampire tale told with a sharp, middle-school grin. It definitely does not bite!" ~Christopher Moore, author of BLOODSUCKING FIENDS and A DIRTY JOB

"Eighth Grade Bites is a delightful novel filled with dark, biting humor that will appeal to everyone who ever felt they were different. A deft hand at depicting the angst of teen years, Heather Brewer does a wonderful job blending vampire legend with the modern day horror that strikes fear in the heart of so many: the eighth grade."~Katie MacAlister, New York Times-bestselling author of EVEN VAMPIRES GET THE BLUES

"Heather Brewer has invented the most endearing of vampires in Vlad, an eighth grader juggling the woes of adolescence with the decidedly unique difficulties of being a vampire. She perfectly captures the humor and angst of eighth grade, mixed with a nail-biting adventure. Utterly charming and irresistible!" ~Liza Conrad, author of HIGH SCHOOL BITES: THE LUCY CHRONICLES

"This book will fool you. Just when you think you've identified it as a story lit by the cheery glow of a slightly scary jack-o-lantern, it becomes something else -- a tale told by the flickering light of a dying campfire late at night. And the shadows are very dark indeed. A surprising mix of humor and horror." ~Douglas Rees, author of VAMPIRE HIGH

"Fresh and fast-paced, with just the right brew of chills and laughs. I’m looking forward to finding out what happens when Vlad hits Grade Nine." ~Nancy Baker, author of KISS OF THE VAMPIRE

"A fabulous book from a gifted storyteller! I never wanted it to end." ~Gena Showalter, author of OH MY GOTH