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Monday, November 24, 2008

Catching Up

Now that Auntie Heather's cold is finally clearing up (just a bit of a cough and sore throat left now), I thought I'd catch you all up with what's going on in my life. First, the Twilight movie: I haven't seen it yet. I'm going to. Definitely. But I'm really, really nervous about it. Of course, I'm always nervous to see a movie based on a book that I adore, but I keep hearing awful things about it, so I'm taking my time getting to the theater.

Second, I am in full-on holiday mode. Seriously. I want the lights up, the tree decorated, gifts shoved under the lowest branches, and Santa down the chimney while I blare Transiberian Orchestra's Carol of the Bells on the stereo. Black Friday is coming up and Auntie Heather and Uncle Paul go out every year at 3:30am. Turkey Day is almost upon us with the promise of cranberry sauce and family chatter. I'm ready for the holidays. Anxious, even. Bring it on, sleigh boy.

Third, writing. I have been super, super busy. Not only am I writing a creepy short story that will be included in an ITW anthology (proceeds go to RIF), but I'm also working on ELEVENTH GRADE BURNS, which is a monster to write. so much is going on and so much that I didn't see before I started writing it. A lot of stuff comes to a head in this book, and Vlad's life will change forever. I can't believe I'm almost done writing this series! Just one more book after this: TWELFTH GRADE KILLS. When I'm not working on those projects, I'm working on something new. But I'm keeping my lips zipped on that one. What I will say is that I've not felt so drawn to a story since Vlad...so that has to mean something.

That's about it for me, Minions. What about you? Catch me up on your lives and tell me I'm not the only one ready for the big guy to squeeze down the chimney.


Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

OMG!!!!!!!! do you know how much you reminded me of my moM! she loves christmas and cant wait she like 'as soon as this weekend comes we are getting more decorations'!!!! i cant wait for it too, but i dont like snow, christmas is coming and i cannot wait!!! LoL, my life is good auntie, one of the things they said about twilight was that the love scene heats up and burns down, what those cricics dont realize is that TWILIGHT was a book for kids twelve and uP!!!!! Ohmygoth, LoL. i've been really odd tho, no clue why, just have, as my book progresses, its all i think about!!!!!!! and i also feel weird and no clue why, so i told everybody to get me walmart giftcards so i can get a laptop and write whenever i want (there is one comptuter, and whenev i write my lil bro pete is like when will you be off?!?!) and i can write wherever 'ya know?


9:16 AM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

Happy being well! oh i know how the sore throat is, i'm getting one! i woke up this morning with it sore, get well soon, well like dont have the cough and sore anymore, being sick is not very nice.


9:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so much is going on in my life at the current moment!
i got a new kitty and i named him vladimir!
everytime we go to the vet the dr. looks at me like wtf?
hes black and white and is very spaztic!

well in other things
i just watch rocky horror picture show for the first time! its my all time favorite movie.
EVER! i have been doing the time warp at school and getting random people to join in and i met my new friend patrick like that lol

auntie heather you should have a rocky horror party XD

anyways its nice to hear youre better and i hope you stay that way!

12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, well I'm not really big into the holidays since my parents split, it just hasn't felt the same since. (Though I'd NEVER want my parents back together. I swear the man they call my father is some alien that took over his body. No joke he's changed that much for the worse. )

But this Christmas and New Years I'll be with my best friend Kait and her family in El Salvador, I hear they really take advantage of the holidays so I can't wait!!! It'll be warm too!!! So I'll get to swim and be with my best friend. Really everything else after being with Kait is just a bonus. I haven't seen her in so long D:

For Thanksgiving I'm going to my other best friends house (Yeah the one that actually lives in the same state as me XD) Sam's mom is an AMAZING cook too so I'll be having a great time there!!!
You know I'm sure even Vlad would like Kim's cooking. Even if he had to hide some blood in there, it's just that good!

I am so excited for Tenth Grade Bleeds!!! I just wrote on my arm a Vampire Knight symbol and I am just dying to write my vampire name!!! It'll look so cool!!!

12:55 PM  
Blogger A Dance With Sweet Disaster said...

ahh holidays are coming so fast!
i have to get presents for 9 people and possibly more and considering i have no way to earn money thats gonna be tough x]

but i love the holiday season. its makes me want to curl up with a book and a sweater.

as for the Twilight movie. I thought they did the best they could for what they had and overall i liked it. it had a nice balance of comedy and drama and they did the best they could for the book so its not as bad as everyone says it is

1:03 PM  
Blogger Camidee said...

I've been making a Christmas playlist for songs to play on Christmas day for fun. There are so many! I really like the Gothis X-mas by Within Temptation, it's hilarious. I'm also hoping to get a playstation 2 or so for Christmas. All I have is a gamecube and nintendo 64, both of which they make no games for now. >_>

The Twilight movie, I have to admit, wasn't TOO bad actually. The characters still aren't the best in my opinion, but the way it goes and stuff was good. Also Stephanie Meyer was in it in cameo. O_o (Just watch for the lady in the restuarant on a laptop, the waitress will even say, "Here ya go, Stephie.")

1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm good, not counting all of the last minute work adn one test coming up. I can't wait for the breaks. I love these half days and any day off, who doesn't? ;)
So, i was also dragged to see Twilight finally. I found it funny. I was trying not to laugh so loud in the theatre adn my friend said "It's not a comedy!"
I'm cynical and can find humor in anything. but not coutning that it wasn't too bad.


2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CHRISTMAS!!!!! *yells like this for a while* Well I'm going to Arkansas for Thanksgiving and spending some time with my less-than-close-to-me relatives, which is great, whenever we as a family see friends either me or my sister don't have someone to hang out with... this time it'll probably be me... anyway, my book is coming along slowly, and I need to go back to earlier chapters and fix all the screwed up writing but... not this week probably. Christmas was not as awesome last year, so I'm looking forward to opening presents CHRISTMAS MORNING this year and hopefully we'll have a church to go to on Christmas eve (long story) and shopping for other people and watching their faces light up when they see exactly what they asked for under the paper... I love this holiday... just one more week and it's DECEMBER!!!! :D

My friend goes shopping Black Friday too, don't expect to see her though... you're states away from each other.

I got like four books to read on the drive down... two history novels a vampire book and King Arther >:D

3:06 PM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

i love books, i want a book bout Vlad Tepes, he is one of my favorite people to research and stuff. LoL my mom and dad dont even leave the house on black friday.


3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh I can't wait for Christmas!!!! Thanksgiving is going to be great too! so much yummy food, and i finally get to see my cousin's new house!!! I haven't seen the movie yet either. I can't wait! i want everyone to open their presents from me! so excited!!

3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to see family...unless your me, then it's hellish.
Me and my cousins (aroudn my age) don't get along to well adn my mom doesn't liek me stayign with the adults to much (soemthign abotu my brain turning to mush).
Lol, my mom wouldn't go since she dealt with crowds in teh city too often to deal with it all over again. I'm not a fan of shoppign in crowded malls, i'll go on a random day.


4:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh me too jess. shopping is a nightmare! way too many people! my cousin's used to be really mean to me, but they've gotten nicer :)=

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you're starting to get better, Auntie! Being sick is no fun D: I Hope that sore throat goes away soon!

I'm really excited about the holidays, too! Except for the fact that Virginia gets very little snow D: I love snow, but the most we got last year was like, probably no more than 2 inches. And then it melted really fast -_- I also have exams the week before my school lets out for x-mas break... which I guess is good, since it gets them out of the way and we don't have to worry about studying over break, but I still hate exams x_X

Every thanksgiving I think about the one year when two of my cousins brought out the stuffed turkey (as in shot and killed turkey, not stuffed animal turkey ^^;) my grandmother had in her basement and carried it around her house... I wonder if we still have that video xD

4:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol! that must've been something. Funny, my cousins have gotten a little nicer, but i hodl some grudges.
my older ousin (who i actually like) is a vegan...if we had a real turkey beign carried aroudn i think he would protest.
Crowds + me= very cranky Jess
my mom is okay with crowds and i get annoyed when makes me wait on line. You should see us fight lol


5:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow... I'd like to see that video XD

Teehee, I get claustrophobic in crowds. So shopping and concerts are avoidable evils as far as I'm concerned.

5:07 PM  
Blogger Heather Brewer said...

You've all been so busy!!

And OMG, Alyssa, a kitty named Vladimir?? LOVE it! (Auntie Heather adores kitties...)

Zombie, I must see that video. You find it and put it on YouTube. ;)

The only family Auntie Heather sees for the holidays are her immediate family. Everybody else lives in Michigan, and it's just too far of a drive. But...that means lots of turkey for me!

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Food is always a plus, as one of my friends says!

5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeeeah, it was a pretty, er... interesting event xD You definitely don't see people carrying around huge stuffed turkeys every day, lol! I think I might have a copy of it somewhere... I gotta find it!

Food definitely is a plus ;D Mashed potatoooooes, yum! ^_^

5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NO! The series does not have to end! Write a book about Vlads elementary years and 6th nad 7th grade. Why wait?

7:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would see the video almsot every day to laugh...but i'm crazy like that.
Didn't we have this talk already? If Auntie Heather writes abotu college it would be mad boring cause the sotry ends at
12th grade...and yes, yes i did jsut say mad boring.


7:23 PM  
Blogger Heather Brewer said...

Sorry, SpaceKing800, but all good things must come to an end. ;)

7:25 PM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

yesterday when i read the name of the last vlad book, i started histerical crying and my lil brother peter started going suck it up, you have to move on from vlad, he's a book! and pulled my ponytail (i LIVE with my hair in a ponytai, i never take it out) and i was like if you dont stop pulling my ponytail i will kill you, and i was still crying going poor vlad! i will always Love you! and pete is like suck it up and i'm like i will never forget vlad! i will caryy on loving him to my grave! then my mom yelled at him and was like but he is just a charactor and i'm like I WILL NEVER FORGET HIM! I WILL LOVE HIM TO MY DEATH! lol it was sooo funnie and screwed up.


5:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol! my little brother doesn't even bother. My mom is the one more like "Jess, it's a book, stop crying" cause i cried a few times from different books.
Gr! my cat almost ate my homework and pen!


11:35 AM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

your cat almost ate your homework and pen?!?!?!?!?! LoL

Luv AVL p.s i am like keep trying to talk my mom into going to see twilight after we come home from my gothist cuz birthday, pete is sleeping over her house and my dad is working so i'm like that is the perfect time for us to go! and i also had the exuse not to sleep over her house becuz my mom would be home alone, and i never leave her home alone LoL, i keep like going tonight is perfect! she wont give me a def yes or no, not very nice LMFAO!

12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol. i trust my parents beign hoem alone, they even trust me enough to let me babysit my brother...and other kids (i am a babysitter time to time) speakign of which i have on this weekend.
Anyway, i hope you can find a way to go cause it seems liek you want to.
Now, i msut get my cat away cause she jsut scratched my and...again.


12:04 PM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

Lol ok stop your cat from like getting you a failing graed or making you redue it on another piece of papeR, its not like i dont trust my ma and dad home alone its just i like to be dir incase something bad happens so i could do something, ya' know? thanks, my mom said she will take me and that she promises its just i want to see it soooo badly LoL but i won't be mad at her if we cannot go l8r. my mom said she will leave me home alone once i turn 13, but thats only for like not 3 or 4 hours like a little whilr if she doing somehting at the store and stuff.


12:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man... I cry all the time when bad stuff happens to my favorite characters in books or whatever. I was playing a videogame once, and my favorite character died... so I ran into the kitchen totally hysterical and my mom was like "Uuuuh..... O_O?" It was kinda laughing, too, for some reason xD Yeah... I'm weird like that.

My cat chews on any piece of paper he can get. Newspapers, my homework I leave lying around, etc. It's crazy. He shreds it up and it looks like confetti xD

1:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

would you get the picture if i emailed to u??
hes so amazing!

1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol! my cat does the same...including my arms and jeans...her claws went right through 'em...so much pain.
14 and been allowed to stay home sicne i was...11 maybe? 12?
Yeah, hope you get to see it eventually.


2:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having some of my family over for Turkey Day! that;s going to be sooo much fun!! (NOT)
there is no one my age besides my younger sister. (she's 13, i'm 16)
and it also means all my little cute, but annoying cousins are coming!!!! (nightmare!)

not sure whats happening 4 x-mas, but i need to get a job or something. i iz broke!!! noooooooooo! and i have no idea what to get or make people.

not sure if i am going out early on black friday. tried last year, and felt like sleeping more than shopping. (even tho there were awesome deals) as long as i can get a lot of stuff for a good deal, everythingz okey!

:D i've been soooooooo bored lately, and kinda sick. like, thro up sick. EWWW! but now i iz better.
i'm glad you are getting better Heather. =D

well, gtg!

6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

alyssachemicalromance: YAY! kitty!


6:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just remembered some good news!

i am writing a book. it's about werewolves! yay!
i tried writing a vampire book, but i got stuck. and with this book i have some cool ideas.
i got the idea from a dream i had not too long ago. then i had a dream about my sister getting attacked by a couple of wolves. wierd!...


6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well i've been doing the same old stuff, planning for world domination, training a secret army of ninjas, and of course setting hidden traps for the big man himself(a.k.a santa) but besides all of those things i've just been devoring books by the dozen( or maybe 2 dozen) and i fear i must go and gather with my *family* which usually ends with me hidding in a corner reading a book.
Also i'm afraid to see Twilight becuase if the movie is terrible then it will feel odd when i reread the book.

7:18 AM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

I Seen it last night! after we left my cuz house it was like 8 and my mom wasnt sure if she wantedt to go insteada just going today but she had my dad (he was at work) look up the next shows, the next one was 8;15 and we got in (after buying tickets and going to the ladies room) just before the last commercial ended, and i loved it soooo much, my mom even thought it was really goood, she figured she would be like it was ok but she really enjoyed it LoL

my cat goerge, when ever he wants milk, (you cant say the word in front of him you have to spell it out whenever he is there) he will start wacking you as you walk by, and when he really wants it he will grab you with his claws pull your hand in and give it a little bit and then start licking it Lmfao


7:23 AM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

p.s it followed it well


7:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Auntie Heather. Vlad fan Ben here. Twilight it awesome and critics are stupid. Peace out!

5:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

El Salvador is awsome, my parents R 4rm over there so we go every summer to visit the family.

8:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, so I'm in desperate need for a good vampire book. I need some recomendations. Any book will do at this point but I've read most mainstream books. I'm also incredibly bored because theres nothing to do and I agree, it is time for Christmas. It's strange, I don't like the whole "wet and cold snow thing" but the cold, darkness, and desolate beauty of winter make me feel powerful and comfortable. Twilight is worth seeing but a dissapointment compared to the book. So yeah, I'd love to hear from you and cant wait for the new book.

Max K.

10:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no vald has to go to college or have an after life right??????

1:02 PM  

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What People Are Saying About 'Eighth Grade Bites'

"A spooky mystery that's funny, gruesome, heartwarming, spellbinding, sad, joyous, surprising and topped off with a tasty blend of blood and chocolate. Yum. What more could you ask for?" ~D.J. MacHale, New York Times-bestselling author of PENDRAGON: JOURNAL OF AN ADVENTURE THROUGH TIME AND SPACE

"'Eighth grade Bites' had me on the edge of my seat. It's a great piece of fiction. It drops you right into the action, grabs you by the throat (pun intended), and won't let go. Vladimir Tod is a truly sympathetic character cursed with an existence not of his own doing, but doing his best to do the right thing. It's part 'Goosebumps' mixed with 'Harry Potter' and a dash – no, a heaping tablespoon – of Stephen King. If you're in eighth grade, or a vampire, or an eighth grade vampire, 'Eighth Grade Bites' is a definite must read!"~Butch Hartman, creator of Nickelodeon's THE FAIRLY ODD PARENTS and DANNY PHANTOM

"Eighth Grade Bites is a terrific vampire tale told with a sharp, middle-school grin. It definitely does not bite!" ~Christopher Moore, author of BLOODSUCKING FIENDS and A DIRTY JOB

"Eighth Grade Bites is a delightful novel filled with dark, biting humor that will appeal to everyone who ever felt they were different. A deft hand at depicting the angst of teen years, Heather Brewer does a wonderful job blending vampire legend with the modern day horror that strikes fear in the heart of so many: the eighth grade."~Katie MacAlister, New York Times-bestselling author of EVEN VAMPIRES GET THE BLUES

"Heather Brewer has invented the most endearing of vampires in Vlad, an eighth grader juggling the woes of adolescence with the decidedly unique difficulties of being a vampire. She perfectly captures the humor and angst of eighth grade, mixed with a nail-biting adventure. Utterly charming and irresistible!" ~Liza Conrad, author of HIGH SCHOOL BITES: THE LUCY CHRONICLES

"This book will fool you. Just when you think you've identified it as a story lit by the cheery glow of a slightly scary jack-o-lantern, it becomes something else -- a tale told by the flickering light of a dying campfire late at night. And the shadows are very dark indeed. A surprising mix of humor and horror." ~Douglas Rees, author of VAMPIRE HIGH

"Fresh and fast-paced, with just the right brew of chills and laughs. I’m looking forward to finding out what happens when Vlad hits Grade Nine." ~Nancy Baker, author of KISS OF THE VAMPIRE

"A fabulous book from a gifted storyteller! I never wanted it to end." ~Gena Showalter, author of OH MY GOTH