Be Yourself
Only one problem: I didn't listen. And neither should any of you.
I'm blessed now to be surrounded by people who embrace my oddities, and so sometimes it can be jarring when I'm met with the same intolerance that I experienced growing up. It shocks me that people could find me so offending, especially when I work so hard to be a good childrens author, to produce books that are exciting, funny, quirky, and clean - cleaner than many books you'll find on the shelf. I work enormously hard to be a good person, so it really bothers me when people can't seem to get past what color my bangs are this week.
Why does it matter? Why does it matter if I look this way or that, if I talk this way or that? It's not like I'm intentionally being disrespectful. I don't swear in front of my Minions (though, when Auntie Heather drops something on her toe, oh, does she swear). I don't tell them they should go get tattoos that afternoon or rob a bank or jump off a bridge. I encourage them to read. I tell them to go to college. I talk to them, and ask them questions, because I care.
I'm just being myself - something that I urge my Minions to be.
Some days are harder than others. But I will never change. Because it takes a lot of strength to stand up and show the world that yes, you're weird, and proud of it.
I know I am.
Your a great aunt heather. that was like me alot. my mom is a good person but she doesnt like the way i wanna dress, so i cant. that was a nice way to put everything so ohter people can understand it. and now more than ever im proud to be a minion:)=
Luv a minion Forever AVL
i totally agree! auntie you are awesome, and avl, i know how you feel. I only get to wear some of the stuff i really like. haha, one time i dressed...umm i guess people would classify it as goth...but i was walking to my class and these two girls behind me started whispering about me saying "yeah she scares me too" when i turned around they looked surprised and darted into the classroom. i'm not scary, i'm just being (and dressing) who i am. :)= avl i also agree, i am proud to be a minion.
Hahaa thats funnnie. mayb if i show my ma that blog she would get a better understanding. if its ok with auntie heather of course:)=
Luv Forever a Minion AVL
Of course, AVL. My blog is public, and meant to be shared.
*hugs my Minions*
Thanks auntie Heather.
*hugs my Auntie* Your a greattt Aunt :)=
Luv AVL. thanks 4replying 2me it makes me all happy :)=
Yes well, I'm weird and don't believe in the super ridiculous over immoralities that most people classify as totally okay.
I was thinking about that last night, how your books are really clean, sure, vampires vex Plugged in enough to never approve of Vlad for that reason alone, but that's about it that they could have against it.
Right now i am carving my pumpkin listening 2my chemical romance and talking on here. sweet stuff ah? my one pumpkin is a vampire leaning into take a bit of his beautiful mistress and the secound is bats and a belfry and im gonne carve in VLAD and TWILIGHT on each side and then VAMPIRE on top :)=
Thanks, blackleaper12!
RJ, thank you - but I'm not speaking of my books. I'm speaking of myself as a person and the rare reaction that I get to people that I meet. Honestly, this blog is a vent, and I feel better already :)
AVL, pics!
I Will send u pics!!!!!!! i know, i dont even go2school and ive been called "little demon" "devil worshiper" by my own cuz !!!! and not even like she a lil and dont know she 14! yeh i was act-u-ly doing a detailed haunted tree with happy halloween on it but it all got ruined and then i got da idea for da vlad 1 and its even better idea !!!!! im still working on it:)=
You're awesome Auntie!! Thankfully ive been blessed with people that enjoy my strange quirks and ideas of the world. Thank you for your books!!
Love, Your Minion Kaitlyn
I loveeee vlad and im so happy i thought 2make da pumpkin !
I was referring to the part where you mentioned your books. I can tell it was a vent.
Auntie Heather, you are truly amazing and inspiring :) Luckily, most of the people I know don't give me a hard time for wearing or acting how I do (thankfully, because I really like my green-and-black striped pants and studded belts. I'd be sad if I couldn't wear them, haha), but when someone does disapprove of something like that it's always nice to know there are other people who don't care what you're wearing or what you like :)
And speaking of carving pumpkins, you've got awesome pumpkin ideas AVL! I still need to find time to carve mine, on top of homework and finishing my costume! Lots of work to do. I Procrastinate too much... I should try and break that habit. I should also stop rambling...
Hahaa thanks Zombie ! and act-u-ly u gave me an idea 4next years costume. a Zombie Soccer Player with Fangs. YEYA!!!! HALLOWEEEEN!!!!!!!
awesome pumpkin idea!!!
auntie, you are awesome!!! it's good to know that other people share the same quirks as i do. i would totally dress all goth and black and red and sweetness but my mom doesn't let me. plus, i like the clothes i have now too. it's also really cool that my friends understand me. sure, when i talk about my interests or express them, they just give me that face like they're saying, "Uh...what?" but they are awesome.
i dont understand how it's so hard to be yourself. i've been myself since i was born. it's so much easier than worrying about what people think of you. all the boys in my class think i'm crazy, but who cares??? seriously??? if they got to know me, they would change their minds...maybe...sorry for rambling so much... =P
That's a cool idea AVL! You should definitely do that next year! :D
Alexis, the same thing happens when I talk about my interests with friends too, lol. Whenever I get excited over something happening that I think is cool, they're just kinda "Okaaay, good for you." But y'know... they do the same thing sometimes (just not as often as me ^^;) .... I'm rambling again, shoot.
I so know how you feel, and yes you are a great person the way you are.....well back to listening my"devil music" ;)=
YYYAAYY AUNTIE HEATHER!!! hey wat r u being for halloween?? (that includes everyone else)
vlad...only girl form
my little brother is being a school girl. well...he's gonna be a zetsu school girl...don't ask...
Auntie is awesome, and a few curses never hurt anyone. You're, like, the only author I know who actually communicates with her readers. Others just let you email them with no response or anything. But Auntie is cooler and I don't get the thing with the ants. Everyone should be different, acting the same...that's boring. :P I love being myself, though I seem more silent and conservative around those I don't know than my friends, it's like a defense mechanism or something. O_o Although, when people do find out how I'm like and think I'm a little weird, I always say "I'm not weird, I'm strange!" So much better, don't you think? XD
yes. a lot better.
Same difference to me. Just thank anyone who calls you weird...
I really don't like it when my friends look or act like they think I'm a loser/freak when I say something they don't approve of. It hurts my feelings (you know, the ones that are totally wusses).
I'm being, as previously stated, a student at Hogwarts.
Indeed. Being called weird is a compliment! So much better than being called "that boring cookie-cutter perfect kid" or something.
As I said before, I'm being a zombie :) But I can't wear one of my favorite parts of my costume, the noose I made, to school, for obvious reasons, heh. It would give the guidance counselors a somewhat legitimate reason to think I'm psychotic. Or, more psychotic than they already think I am (For no good reason, unless they consider the fact that I have really short, dyed hair a good reason -_-)
Beign called werid isn't a compliement? When did that happen lol?
If people don't be themselves then it's like being all clones from thoise movies *shudders* those movies are so creepy...
In my school theres a varitey of different 'cliques' and i have been the outcast of all...i find it very entertaining watching.
Btw, srry i haven't been on all day, been busy again
haha well as i've said i am being a Count Chocula cereal box (thanks to auntie for the count choucla idea!!!) i can't wait to carve my pumpkin tonight!! hehe, zombie the noose is a nice touch ;)=
Very kewl...wait, u can wear cosutmes to school?! that's awesome! They won't let us do that stinks...
i carved my pumkin few days ago...i tried giving it fangs but it turned otu liek shapr bunny teeth :(= oh well, there's always next year...or week :)=
VAMPIRE !!!!!!!
Hehe, thanks blackleaper. It'll probably scare some small children when I go trick-or-treating though xD
And yeah, I'm really glad that my school lets us wear costumes! Actually, it's more like you become an outcast if you don't dress up! It was the same for spirit week; anyone who didn't dress up looked sooo out of place.
aww no we don't get to wear our costumes to school :(= but on the other hand, it would be kind of hard for me to manuever throughout the school in a cardboard box :)=
we can wear our costumes to my school, but they have a special day for it. i mean like really special. it's called black and orange day. we have to wear black and orange, then after lunch, we change into our costumes and march around outside like a bunch of mind controlled zombies. i guess it's fun...
We have spirit week...actually that's this week. We had to dress up like Hippies, then there was character day, and even college day.
We don't have much spirit. hafl of us wher it and half of us don't.
We banned halloween costumes abotu 5 years ago, or so i;ve ben tod. Somethign abotu kids takign it to far...
wow that sucks, we can wear costumes as long as we don't hide our face or wear any type of face coloring........but that won't stop me ;)=
I love that you are not concerned with what other people think because neither am I. I am who I am and if they don't want to be my friend then they miss out.
Woo! You are so right hannah!
I can wear my costume to school.
thank you auntie heather. i get singled out a lot because im the only "goth" chick at school and i stand up for what i believe in. im so glad you didnt listen because then i wouldnt have an auntie heather and you wouldnt be YOU. thanks for the encouragement :']
p.s. dont let anyone bring you down!
srry to change topic but,
Happy Halloween!
Yes...Happy Halloween,(or if you prefer) Saints Day!
i get to scare people today! >:)=
Yeah, Happy Halloween! Hahah, have fun scaring people today minion 38-14! I know I will xD
Luv AVL!
I am wearing all black right now. The shirt, cloak-like thing and tie go on later.
Oops, that was me.
OhMiGod! It 'Tis Halloween!
(Everybody Scream!!)
Free candy and fun, tonight will be great...I am a Vampire Princess...and I Love Vlad Tod!
Have fun everyone...Auntie!
Yor new Minion...
Hehe sounds like we shall have penlty of victims tonight muhhhwa ha haha aha haha ah! :)=
Very many since half the peopel i went trick-or-treating with were vampires...and taller then me and yuouger too....strange.
Hope ur all havign fun!
Just remember the rule about costumes "look but don't touch...unless it's really,really shinny" ;)=
So true
yes. extremely true. touch anything that's shiny.
Hey Auntie,
I sent a letter to you about the minion bling and i still haven't gotten it. Did you receive it?
Auntie Heather your WAY more understanding then any of my real aunts. I usually feel really misjudged by a lot of people around me. Just because of how I dress and because I would rather sit under my bed and read a book then go to a crowded party. I sometimes feel really alone in this big world, and it's nice to know there are people out there who can understand my feelings. Thank you Auntie Heather.
hellu this si a random post. my friend told me to go on this sisght sice we read the books and im lke sure so i felt like postniing a comment. i call vlad vlad-y-kins cuz im weird like dat. Eighth grade bites should be a movie...>.<
one day, you should make a speech to the whole entire world about this. i never really thought that the way i dress is showing the world my weird pride. id love to show my mom this, but she would just scream at me. i know this might be a personal question, but, how did you find a way to set your life straight with everyone telling you to fit in with everyone else? with your parents? it seems impossible to deal with them and the rest of my problems. aunt heather, even though i really don't know you, you are my idol and i look up to you. not the kind of way that some people look up to Marilyn Manson because of his music. i look up to you because you're one of the few people that i KNOW have something to say. im sorry this is such a long comment...>_<
~Jackie x.x
Hi Jackie! :)=
It wasn't easy, I tell ya, and honestly...everyone will ALWAYS tell you to sit down and stop acting like a crazy person the moment you start wearing all black and dyeing your hair funky colors. Auntie Heather still gets the looks, and yes, sometimes, the words...but she is far too set in her ways to change now. ;)
What I did was sat down with myself and counted off the order of importance of people in my life - now, this was way back when Auntie Heather was a teenager (her priorities have since shifted, because Auntie Heather's children come first and always will), so when I asked myself who I should first be looking out for, who I should be protecting, who I should really care egotistical as it may sound, the answer was "me". So, I started doing the things I needed to do to be good to myself, to make myself happy, to be alright with being "weird". It started small, with black nail polish (horrible, cheap black nail polish called Wet n' Wild that still holds a soft part in Auntie Heather's evil black heart). I painted my nails and wore it through comments from my family (lots of which about whether or not they'd moved Halloween to June) and from my peers (those comments never ended, I'm afraid). The way I saw it, my parents were going to yell at me anyway, for a myriad of reasons (when they weren't treeating me like The Invisible Girl, that is), and the kids at school hated me no matter what I did. So I pretty much resolved myself to wearing what I wanted and acting how I wanted, because in the end, all that really mattered was how I felt about the way I looked and the things I did.
Always, my Minions, always be true to yourself. Because in the end, YOU are all that matters. And if you're happy with the way you're doing things, (so long as anything you're doing isn't causing harm to your body, your mind or anybody else's body or mind) that's just alright. :)
I wish I was that strong to do what you did Auntie, but I just don't think I can...
luv AVL
You just keep being you, AVL. :)=
ill try my best aunt heather! i never really had hope in myself, but thanks to you, i think I'm beginning to feel proud of myself.
Thank You. :)
~Jackie x.x
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