Auntie Heather and the Manuscript of Doom
(hey, if Indiana Jones gets cool theme music, so do I...)
Today is a happy day, Minions, as Auntie Heather gets to continue her work on ELEVENTH GRADE BURNS. I know what you're thinking: "11th?? But what about 10th??" Have no fear--TENTH GRADE BLEEDS is safe in the hands of my brilliant editor and will be in stores....eventually (still no word on the date). So for now, I'm hard at work on EGBurns (can't call it EGB--then you might get it confused with EIGHTH GRADE BITES). 16 pages in so far and omgomgomgomgomgomgomgzomg...the best yet. Of course, I think they get better with each book, but I may be absolutely wrong. You decide.
It feels very strange to meet Minions who are new to Vlad, new to Bathory, Otis, and Elysia...when I'm nearing the end of the series. And oh, I have so many secrets to share with you all. I hope you stick around until the series ends. It's gonna be one hell of a ride, Minions.
I hope, anyway...
I'm getting a ton of email asking for a hint about the Big New Contest. To answer those collectively: no, I won't give you a hint. But I promise it's going to be worth the wait.
By the way, if any Minions would like to hang out with me in Illinois, I'll be at Borders on May 31st (Saturday) in Fairview Heights, IL at 2pm. And I'll have yummy cookies and Minion Bling (blue AND red) and contests (hoodies and t-shirts!) and I'll answer questions and read some and talk about all sorts of stuff. So...come out. And bring a million friends. I tell you what, the first three people to bring five friends each get a vampire smiley t-shirt. (Auntie Heather is not above bribing people for their affection)
So the Vlad series is going to end at 4 books? That makes me sad ;_;...
You so need to come up to New Hampshire at the end of the series so you can sign all of my books (so selfish.
Blue minion bling? Now that is cool =D
I really do wish you could come to South Carolina (or NC, somewhere remotly close). I am going to miss Vlad once the series ends T_T . It shall be a sad event. You are killing us with anticipation with that door! Oh, how I wish the day would be today that we should all see what awaits us behind it!
nice theme song! :D
i can't wait for tenth grade bleeds and eleventh grade burns.
i also want to know what is behind the door!! the anticipation is killing me! auntie, we really want to know.
Five books, froze, five. ;)
Funny you should mention SC, Rainbow, as I may be visiting there. Just waiting to hear back on a library and a school in that area who both contacted me.'s a definite maybe.
hey auntie!
I thought of an idea for the 12th grade Vlad book that maybe you might consider if you haven't already thought of one :)=
YAY!!! :]=
Aki! That's already the title of the last book! lol!
heh yeah I realized that while walking to my mom's work. My bad ^^;
wow aki!!!! you must be psychic or something! :D
that title is awsome btw.
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