Poor Little Emo Geek Vampire
Typical male vampire: sexy, aloof, dangerous, extremely intelligent, well-read, snappy dresser, always knows the right thing to do or say.
Vlad: awkward, troubled, only somewhat dangerous, frequently fails math tests, fairly well-read, too-fond of the hole in his Converse sneakers, frequently stumbles over his words...especially in the presence of Meredith Brookstone.
Typical vampire story: Human girl falls for vampire boy, whacky hijinks ensue, often featuring instances where boy nearly bites girl.
Vlad: Apart from that whole thirst for blood thing, leads a relatively normal life full of crushes, hanging out with his best friend, and dealing with the horrors of school.
In short, Vlad is a normal kid, just like you. He hates math class, gets snarled at by his principal, can't wait for the weekend, wishes his Aunt would get him a cell phone, you know...the usual. But he's dealing with all of the normal crap you're dealing with AND he's a vampire. So the books are very much about being an outcast in every sense of the word. Vlad only fits in half way with humans, and half way with vampires. There's a little romance, sure. But not a lot. There are several one-liners, and a lot of nifty scenes with blood. You'll find adventure, thrills, laughs, and reflection--but you won't find TWLIGHT within this series' pages.
Edward (and many other typical vampires) is perfect. Vlad is very much flawed. Because I'm flawed. Because we're all flawed.
Someone once described Vlad as a "poor little emo geek vampire". I think that sums him up rather succinctly. What do you think?
P.S. Still sick. Blaaaargh...
I like Vlad's world. It is more 'accessible' than most vampire worlds. As much as vampires are supernatural beings, you bring a realism to them that gives the reader access to them in a way that is not found in the other works on and about vampires.
HUZZAH to Auntie Heather for creating a truly unique experience and world for us readers to get lost in :)=
OH, and please feel better soon.
Sending healing vibes your way...
And virtual chocolate...
And virtual hot chocolate...
The reason that Vlad is normal is the reason I love your story Auntie. He relates to me and it's cool. Although I'm jealous of his English teacher, I'd love to do a paper on being a fantasy creature. I'd choose a banshee or witch or something. :)= And being a vampire is just adding to that. Most stories are like normal in fantasy but with your story it's more like fantasy in normal. If that makes sense...
Also, I hope you get better soon. Lots of people are getting sick around here too. I may be catching something myself. *sniff*
If I wanted to read Twilight again, I totally would, but the fact that I can relate to Vald on so many levels, like school and crushes, when I can't really relate to that stuff in different books because I'm either not at that age or I just don't feel as connected as I do with Vald.
I love your stories, for one reason is because EGB came out the summer before I started 8th grade this year and I loved it, and throughout your series, I'll be going into the same grades as him even though I'm fighting other stuff I'll know he is too, which makes me happy I even read your book(s)!
I can't wait for NGS!!!!!
I hope you get better!!!
Aw, well even if Vlad is no Edward...I believe we all still love him just as much <3. After all having a 'perfect' guy might be nice and all but having someone that knows what you go threw everyday and has human friends that he's not interested in is what any girl would be lucky to have ^^
I really hope you get better soon! Being sick stinks!
Thanks, Minions. It's nice to know that you enjoy Vlad as he is. :)=
CD, Otis is the teacher I wish I'd had in school ;)
Poor little emo geek vampire? Very awesome. Vlad is definitely more accessible than Edward Cullen. Even though Twilight is amazing. Vlad is real. Very real. Real enough to touch. Real enough to send kids searching for a skinny vampire goth-looking emo geek to help out. =]
So people have said that your book is nothing like Twilight. You should take that as a compliment of the highest order.
Your character is *real.* He has flaws. He is accessible. People can relate to him. Edward is just a fantasy that adolescent girls squeal about because they have no idea what real romance is.
Actually, I take it as nothing at all, Emily. It's like stating a fact. The sky is blue (except in Saint Louis, where it's gray more often than not), grass is green, Vlad isn't Edward. But several people have reported disappointment after looking for Edward in Vlad and not finding him. So this post is merely a way to let people know before they read my books that Vlad is unlike any other vampire you've seen. :)
Also, please refrain from making braod, generalized statements about teens here. I think many of them absolutely know what "real romance" is, or have a pretty good idea.
What I deemed "real romance" as a teen, I still deem "real romance". So...age doesn't always change opinions, or bring about unknown wisdom. ;)
I think Vlad is DEFINATELY different, which makes him 1000 times more amazing. He's someone all of us geeky goth emo kids can relate to. I GLAD he's not an Edward. I love Edward and all, but I don't like a 'perfect' guy. His perfectness makes him imperfect. Therefore, Vlad is basically perfect because he's not perfect. Is this making any sense? I hope so. Besides, even Lestat was imperfect. And Lestat is probably the third most amazing vampire in all of vampire history! (Vlad and Dracula being first, of course.) :D
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