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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Why Do I Blog?

People blog for different reasons. Authors blog for different reasons. Why do I blog?

I could say that I blog to spread the word about my books, that I want to share my journey to publication (and beyond) with others who are interested, that I want to offer advice from time to time, so that others may find their own journey...and, while all of that is true, there is really only one reason that I blog.

I want to celebrate every moment and enjoy that celebration with others.

Apart from being occasionally mopey (hey...I'm goth--it's in our rulebook), I'm a generally happy person, who firmly believes in celebrating every moment. Because you never know when that shrimp you're eating is carrying a deadly bacteria...or that the cab driver in front of you becomes narcoleptic when on bridges. You just never know. So I celebrate everything. Good writing day? PARTY! Managed to vacuum the living room? PARTY! Partied? PARTY! It's just the way I am.

It annoys some people. And to that, my reaction is: Annoyed people? PARTY!

Because life is dreadfully short, minions. It's short and it's hard, so why not enjoy it? I don't talk about myself and my accomplishments because I'm an egotistical windbag, I talk about those things because it's taken me a long time to get to a point where I can honestly celebrate myself. And it's my hope that you'll all get there too, if you're not there already. G'head. I'm holding on to some bat confetti just for your celebration! (Hmmm...maybe we should call it "batfetti")

I love life...and I have a deep, profound respect (and curiosity) for death. Maybe it's this balance that makes people walk on the other side of the street from me. (The other day, I was told that being a perky goth is when you've become so dark, so down that you've punched through to the other side...yeah...I can see that)

So the question "why do I blog?" can be answered with one, simple word. C'mon...say it with me. PARTY!

Yours in Eternity,

P.S. EIGHTH GRADE BITES is popping up all over. PARTY!

Help Me Out, Minions!

Apparently, I need a boat song.

(And how cool is it that EIGHTH GRADE BITES is listed on a Korean site??)

Check This Out

Monday, August 28, 2006

Looking for a Literary Agent?

For those who live within commuting distance of New York City, the Backspace Agent-Author Seminar (November 3, 2006, Algonquin Hotel, NYC) offers an intense, one-day program of panels and workshops designed specifically to educate and assist authors in search of a literary agent to represent their work.

With only agents on the program, a full fifteen minutes between program parts, an afternoon mixer, small-group agent-author sessions, and an unusually high number of agents with a ceiling of 100 registrants, the Backspace Agent-Author Seminar offers plenty of face time with attending agents.

Does this high ratio of agents to authors mean that those who attend this event will walk away with an agent? Many conferences have various scripted ways of meeting agents, giving rise to the feeling that the agent will discover the author, wave a magic wand, and make all their dreams come true.

The reality is, this rarely happens. (Please see Folio Literary Management's Jeff Kleinman's excellent article on what writers can expect when attending conferences.) Because of this, the Backspace seminar does not include formal pitch sessions.

Instead, the Backspace Agent-Author Seminar offers the opportunity to network, ask questions, listen, and learn from the people who make their living selling books.

Participating agents include Jenny Bent, Rolph Blythe, Michael Bourret, Paul Cirone, Katherine Fausset, Irene Goodman, Scott Hoffman, Miriam Kriss, Dan Lazar, Sharlene Martin, and Jennifer Unter.

Friday, August 25, 2006

One Step Closer

There's nothing like having a book published to teach you how great people can be. My husband works at this big company and is asked constantly about me and my book, how my career is going--people just care. It blows me away. The same happens at my son's school--there's interest there, and it touches me. My family, my friends--even strangers I bump into while at the bookstore or out getting groceries--people just seem to care about me and my silly little career. It rawks muchly. I must be cashing in on some good karma or something.

So thank you, everyone, for asking...for caring...or even for pretending to care if you really don't. It means a lot to me. On those rough days, it keeps me going.

Today, however, is not one of those rough days, minions. Today, I'm sitting down to reread my copyedited manuscript, make any additional changes, and then...I'm shipping it out to my wonderful editor. EIGHTH GRADE BITES is one step closer to your bookshelf.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I (heart) Being Awesome

So I'm down to just the timeline issues in my copyedits and last night, a little lightbulb flickered on over my head (not quite the Lightbulb of Inspiration, but close). I know what I'm doing, how to correct it. And I'm happy to report that it's all just a matter of butt to chair now.

You heard me.

Butt to chair.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


You can buy EIGHTH GRADE BITES here too!

Minion Bling 2.0

That's right, my minions (and if you're reading this, then yes...that means you)...we got new bling! (and yeah, I know that was poor grammar...but I'm hip, yo *snort!*) Now introducing the all new Minion Bling...Minion Bling 2.0, which features such awe-inspiring phrases as "vampires suck" and "eighth grade bites". (Both phrases, as it turns out, are absolutely true.)

Minion Bling 2.0 is a limited edition type thing. How we'll work it is this: you ask for Minion Bling, I send (free of charge!) said Bling...along with some Minion Bling 2.0 because you're special and I just love you like that. (never mind that whole self-promotion thing...it's about the love...no, really)

Also, in the next few weeks, my completely revamped (ha!) website will be unleashed, bringing with it one very cool contest, featuring some serious prizage. So...watch for that coming soon. I'm calling it the 'Bat To School' contest. :)

For now, I'm still working on EIGHTH GRADE BITES copyedits and drooooooooooooling over my cover art.

I need a bib.

Black bib.

With bats on it.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Best. Day. Ever!

But I think I'm allergic to copyedits. I woke up this morning with a sore (and slightly swollen) neck. But never fear, minions, Auntie Heather is hard at work once again (despite the both literal and figurative pain in the neck), wading through copyedits and taking time off to stare at my gorgeous new cover art!!!

Isn't it bee-you-tee-full??? I'm completely in love with my cover designer...and with Andrew (the model who portrays Vlad)! Just an amazing job. Dutton is taking such good care of me.

And now it's your turn. Go forth, my loyal minions...and pre-order your very own copy of EIGHTH GRADE BITES!!! Then spread the word far and wide.

Because hey...I need more minions.

Friday, August 18, 2006

So What Exactly Are Copyedits?

We'll get to that. But first, let me give you a glimpse into my day yesterday and my morning so far. Yesterday: Overwhelmed. No way. There's NO WAY I can do all this. Okay, I can, but holy CRAP, it's going to be HARD. This morning: Denial. Copyedits? What copyedits? Oh, I'm sure they'll be easier than I thought yesterday. Plenty of time. Oooh! Let's read blogs! Then, after a quick glimpse at the manuscript. Or...maybe I should sit down right now and make a list of the changes. As a matter of fact, I'm facing two major things (a timeline issue and a whodunnit issue)...maybe I'll work on everything but them right now, then fix those later.

So...what are they? Well, a spiffy copy of the manuscript, covered in various notes and Post-Its that your editor and copyeditor believe will improve your manuscript, basically. As you can see, it's not pretty. But I'm grateful for every sticky note--I'm one of those sick individuals that loves to be edited, to be taught what I'm doing wrong and how to make it better. For instance...apparently, I don't use enough commas--which is weird, because I've always thought I used too many.

So now that I've reviewed the notes, I'll add my own Post-Its with any changes I want, stet anything that I don't want changed ("stet" is latin for "let it stand"--it's what you write when you want them to leave something unchanged), and with any luck, turn in a gorgeous manuscript by my deadline (I'm actually hoping to beat it by about a week--two reasons: 1) family is coming to town and 2) I like impressing people by beating deadlines).

But first I'll need three things: 1) my trusty orange pencil, 2) a can of Diet Pepsi (okay...several cans), and 3) my desk...because I'm sure I'll be banging my head against it several times this week. Okay, back to staring at my copyedits and willing them to correct themselves.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Wow. I don't think I've ever seen so many Post-It Notes in such a small stack of papers. But I can do this. I can read every note, accept changes, make changes of my own...all by September 5th. After all, it's for Vlad.

I may, however, need a nifty new accessory when I'm through.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Secret Formula for Writing Success

But + Chair = Writing

I'm about to go practice this, so forgive me for a continued lull in posts. Happy news! My wonderful editor said my copyedits should be here Thursday! Which is tomorrow...which means I'm freaking out a little. The plus is that YAY! my book is being polished to perfection for future readers! The minus is that EEP! a lot of work to do. But then, I like work...so maybe there are no minuses.

Regardless, this next month will be crazy for your Auntie Heather, my minions. So bear with me.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

So Would That Be A Bat Cave?

Sorry about the sudden HUSH around here, minions. Auntie Heather is hard at work on the first three chapters of BEYOND THE LOOKING GLASS--trying to make them shine! Plus, I'm dealing with some family stuff that all had to happen right now. You know...now, when I need to crawl into my lil hermit cave (woops! Almost typed "cake"...I must be hungry--and there's a weird visual for you) and make like a writer.

All goes well with Dillon. And Vlad is loving his vacation time (I keep telling him the beach is a bad idea for a vampire, but, well...). Just not enough hours in the day for everything.

And oh! My amazing web designer is hard at work on my new site! It looks SO good! I can't wait until launch.

Okay, enough dilly-dallying. Back to Wonderland...

Friday, August 11, 2006

Contents Under Pressure

By looking at my desk, you wouldn't think that I'm a perfectionist. But I am. It just manifests itself in weird ways. Like all the hangers in my closet have to hang so the shirts are facing right (and never looped backwards over the bar--what are people, insane?!). Like all the books in my bookcase have to line up an inch from the edge and the titles have to face out, in a manner so that if I tilt my head just so, I can read them all. It's the Virgo in me. It's twisted, but well, there you have it.

But having those perfectionist tendencies makes it very difficult for me to accept that I am seemingly incapable of doing anything perfectly right off the bat. I have no clue why this is hard to accept--I've never done anything perfect the first time. But it never fails, each time I realize that I'll need to go back and work on a book some more, I beat myself up a little over what I left undone, what I did wrong the first time. It's silly and it doesn't get me anywhere, but it gets to me that there are people in the world who can practically spin gold with a Word program and I'm hoofing it across those pages, trying to achieve something close to perfection.

Weird, huh?

I put an enormous amount of pressure on myself. And I find my goals changing. There was a time when having my book published was enough--just one book--but, like a few published friends assured me some time ago, my goals have changed. Now I want to see my books take off. I want to be a success, not a flash in the pan (pardon the cliche). I want kids to ask for my books by name. I want bookstore employees to talk to people about Vlad. I'm always looking for some way that I can market myself--it can really screw with your sleep. I wish writing were enough anymore, but it's not. Now I need to be read.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not bummed out or stressin' or anything, just learning more about myself and wondering why I am the way I am. (I think it's this same ~whatever~ that makes me terribly jealous of anyone who can play a musical instrument) Plus, I'm expecting copy edits soon...and I'm a notorious fretter. (I fret about everything and if I have nothing to fret about, I'll make something up.) I have a feeling that copy edits are going to be a challenge--and I'm sooooo thankful that I have a copy editor! They're on the list of those good friends that will remind you to remove the toilet paper from your shoe before you step out in public. So I'm thankful. Just a little nervous.

And I'm embarking on something that I know will be complicated, but dark, delicious, and (if I manage to pull it off) amazing. My fabulous agent loves my BEYOND THE LOOKING GLASS outline and wants me to finish the first three chapters. So...Dillon and I are working our way back into Wonderland. It has me feeling rather introspective. I hated tweaking that outline and so now I'm scared I'll hate writing the book...which is silly. Writing the book should, feasibly, be easier now that all the kinks are worked out on paper.Nevertheless, the anxiety...the fretting...never seems to end. It has to be perfect. But it won't. Because perfect doesn't happen the first time. (Hell, it often doesn't happen the twenty-seventh time)

~Speaking of Hell (and perfection), you minions need to hop on over to Amazon and pick up Jackie Kessler's book. Trust me--the woman is friggin' brilliant.~

So I guess my point is that you should always strive for perfection, yes....just know that it's a long road.

And know that maybe you shouldn't blog before you've had your morning caffeine. It makes you ramble.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

My First Interview!

Jen (aka "The Genius") over at Teens Read Too recently interviewed me! So go forth, my minions, and bask in the glory that is I! (and while you're at it, check out her site--it's brilliant! They don't call her The Genius for nothin'!)

Devon's Playground

If you'll look at the gauges under Writing Progress on the right, you'll notice a new title listed. Since it's there, I feel the need to talk about it. But the thing is...I really don't have much to say. It's my newest YA project, dark, disturbing, about a boy named Stephen (and, incidentally, a boy named Devon), a graveyard, and a dark secret that binds them all together.

Plus there are these flesh-eating winged ones...and...well, just wait. I'll write it. You read it. (Y'know, assuming it sells.)

The weird thing about this one is that I'm not really sure what it's about. I'm letting Stephen and Devon tell me and so far, it's pretty creepy. Interesting...and creepy. And I'm hungry to write it.

It's books like this that will cause kids to scream, "Mom! Heather Brewer's under my bed!"

As a side note, run a broom under there once in a while...maybe bring me some cookies.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

So You've Decided To Be Evil

A Step-by-Step Guide to joining the Forces of Darkness*

*Heather does not approve of being evil. But if you insist, at least follow this guide.

What Makes A Bad Guy Sooooo Good?

I love villains. They're really what make a story enjoyable, because without them, the protagonist would just go on living their happy little lives. Villains make things complicated. They give a story that special twist that really screws up the main character's routine. But what makes a good bad guy?

I'd say it's believability. More than anything, a really great bad guy has to be something you'd believe. No longer will the "doing evil just for evil's sake" type fly. A good baddy has to have motive, drive, and a believable reason for being the way he (or she) is.

But beyond that, I think it's a matter of personal tastes. I like a bad guy that has a sharp wit. A really smart, sarcastic evil-doer. (Preferably with good fashion sense) Someone who really believes he or she is doing what they're doing for all the right reasons--because that's really what makes someone dangerous. Not a weapon, not a desire, but belief--belief that you are right and that you will defend your belief no matter what.

I love to love my baddies. It's just the way I'm hardwired. What about you, minions?

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Welcome to Bathory!

I thought it might be nice, my loyal minions, if I explained precisely what my book, EIGHTH GRADE BITES, is about. Now, of course, there are many details that I can't share with you, but I can give you a general overview.

Vladimir Tod isn't like other thirteen-year-old boys. He's half-human, half-vampire. (His mother was human, his father...you got it, a vampire) Poor Vlad has all sorts of vampire issues. For one, he drinks blood (and when he's hungry...or ticked off, his fangs pick inopertune moments to elongate). For two, he's developing inhuman abilities. Which ones? Well, you know the score...read the book.

As if this weren't enough to get a skinny, pale, slighty sarcastic vampire boy stressed out, Vlad lives in the town of Bathory--a small (in both population and in mind) town, full of humans that believe him to be human as well. He attends the eighth grade at Bathory Junior High with his best friend (and one of the only two people, including Vlad's Aunt Nelly, who know what he is), Henry McMillan, who is totally crushed on by the girl Vlad likes. The principal hates him. Bullies pick on him. Plus, Vlad has to guard his secret (that he's a vampire) very closely. (Basically, his life sucks--which isn't a good thing, even for vampires)

But then something horrible happens...something that leads to someone discovering Vlad's secret.

But that's all I really can say about it.

Want more of a taste? You can check out the first chapter on my website. And, of course, come August 2007, you can read it in its entirety.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Teen Vampire Hits New York!

Yep, Vlad is on the loose...or at least he was yesterday. Last night, my wonderful editor emailed to let me know that the photo shoot for my cover went very well--the model that they found is just so perfect to portray Vlad. I'm THRILLED with my experience so far! Sometimes it feels like I'm living in a dream...

But I'm not too deeply entrenched in DreamLand to remember that I have minions to support. I've ordered more buttons (because, wow, you people LOVE this stuff) and I mailed out another batch of Minion Bling yesterday--if you haven't received any or still haven't asked, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??? They're FREE, COOL, and give you bragging rights, as you'll be part of my minion horde. What's not to love? Drop me an email with your address, which I promise not to share with anyone. Free stuff rawks!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

A Plea For A Friend

Creditors, like vampires, suck. But not in the good way. Not when you desperately need a car to cart yourself to and from doctor's offices.

A dear friend of mine (and an exceptionally talented writer) is in need of your help. Creditors have taken his only means of transportation. And he's asking for your help in a creative way--he's rounded up several intriguing short stories from many talented authors (with more to come, I'm sure) and is asking for a donation in exchange of those stories.

Help a guy out. Help a fellow writer out.

We scribes gotta stick together.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Gena Showalter ROCKS!!!

Gena Showalter, the author of many fantabulous books, including OH MY GOTH, had this to say about EIGHTH GRADE BITES:

"A fabulous book from a gifted storyteller! I never wanted it to end."

Thanks so much, Gena! (Vlad thanks you too--next time you're in Bathory, the blood and cookies are on him)

What People Are Saying About 'Eighth Grade Bites'

"A spooky mystery that's funny, gruesome, heartwarming, spellbinding, sad, joyous, surprising and topped off with a tasty blend of blood and chocolate. Yum. What more could you ask for?" ~D.J. MacHale, New York Times-bestselling author of PENDRAGON: JOURNAL OF AN ADVENTURE THROUGH TIME AND SPACE

"'Eighth grade Bites' had me on the edge of my seat. It's a great piece of fiction. It drops you right into the action, grabs you by the throat (pun intended), and won't let go. Vladimir Tod is a truly sympathetic character cursed with an existence not of his own doing, but doing his best to do the right thing. It's part 'Goosebumps' mixed with 'Harry Potter' and a dash – no, a heaping tablespoon – of Stephen King. If you're in eighth grade, or a vampire, or an eighth grade vampire, 'Eighth Grade Bites' is a definite must read!"~Butch Hartman, creator of Nickelodeon's THE FAIRLY ODD PARENTS and DANNY PHANTOM

"Eighth Grade Bites is a terrific vampire tale told with a sharp, middle-school grin. It definitely does not bite!" ~Christopher Moore, author of BLOODSUCKING FIENDS and A DIRTY JOB

"Eighth Grade Bites is a delightful novel filled with dark, biting humor that will appeal to everyone who ever felt they were different. A deft hand at depicting the angst of teen years, Heather Brewer does a wonderful job blending vampire legend with the modern day horror that strikes fear in the heart of so many: the eighth grade."~Katie MacAlister, New York Times-bestselling author of EVEN VAMPIRES GET THE BLUES

"Heather Brewer has invented the most endearing of vampires in Vlad, an eighth grader juggling the woes of adolescence with the decidedly unique difficulties of being a vampire. She perfectly captures the humor and angst of eighth grade, mixed with a nail-biting adventure. Utterly charming and irresistible!" ~Liza Conrad, author of HIGH SCHOOL BITES: THE LUCY CHRONICLES

"This book will fool you. Just when you think you've identified it as a story lit by the cheery glow of a slightly scary jack-o-lantern, it becomes something else -- a tale told by the flickering light of a dying campfire late at night. And the shadows are very dark indeed. A surprising mix of humor and horror." ~Douglas Rees, author of VAMPIRE HIGH

"Fresh and fast-paced, with just the right brew of chills and laughs. I’m looking forward to finding out what happens when Vlad hits Grade Nine." ~Nancy Baker, author of KISS OF THE VAMPIRE

"A fabulous book from a gifted storyteller! I never wanted it to end." ~Gena Showalter, author of OH MY GOTH