Contents Under Pressure
But having those perfectionist tendencies makes it very difficult for me to accept that I am seemingly incapable of doing anything perfectly right off the bat. I have no clue why this is hard to accept--I've never done anything perfect the first time. But it never fails, each time I realize that I'll need to go back and work on a book some more, I beat myself up a little over what I left undone, what I did wrong the first time. It's silly and it doesn't get me anywhere, but it gets to me that there are people in the world who can practically spin gold with a Word program and I'm hoofing it across those pages, trying to achieve something close to perfection.
Weird, huh?
I put an enormous amount of pressure on myself. And I find my goals changing. There was a time when having my book published was enough--just one book--but, like a few published friends assured me some time ago, my goals have changed. Now I want to see my books take off. I want to be a success, not a flash in the pan (pardon the cliche). I want kids to ask for my books by name. I want bookstore employees to talk to people about Vlad. I'm always looking for some way that I can market myself--it can really screw with your sleep. I wish writing were enough anymore, but it's not. Now I need to be read.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not bummed out or stressin' or anything, just learning more about myself and wondering why I am the way I am. (I think it's this same ~whatever~ that makes me terribly jealous of anyone who can play a musical instrument) Plus, I'm expecting copy edits soon...and I'm a notorious fretter. (I fret about everything and if I have nothing to fret about, I'll make something up.) I have a feeling that copy edits are going to be a challenge--and I'm sooooo thankful that I have a copy editor! They're on the list of those good friends that will remind you to remove the toilet paper from your shoe before you step out in public. So I'm thankful. Just a little nervous.
And I'm embarking on something that I know will be complicated, but dark, delicious, and (if I manage to pull it off) amazing. My fabulous agent loves my BEYOND THE LOOKING GLASS outline and wants me to finish the first three chapters. So...Dillon and I are working our way back into Wonderland. It has me feeling rather introspective. I hated tweaking that outline and so now I'm scared I'll hate writing the book...which is silly. Writing the book should, feasibly, be easier now that all the kinks are worked out on paper.Nevertheless, the anxiety...the fretting...never seems to end. It has to be perfect. But it won't. Because perfect doesn't happen the first time. (Hell, it often doesn't happen the twenty-seventh time)
~Speaking of Hell (and perfection), you minions need to hop on over to Amazon and pick up Jackie Kessler's book. Trust me--the woman is friggin' brilliant.~
So I guess my point is that you should always strive for perfection, yes....just know that it's a long road.
And know that maybe you shouldn't blog before you've had your morning caffeine. It makes you ramble.
I'm a lot like you...jealous of those people whose first draft is so perfect it's silly to even call it a draft. They can have an idea, sit down to write, and have a finished book two months later (or worse, even less).
I revise, revise, rethink, reexamine, revise, and on and on and on. If I ever have a deadline, I'll be a twitching mass of nerves.
Great news about your proposal!
As much as I can feel for you on the perfectionist thing... you know it is really just a shift in POV that will change it for you.
Right now you live in a world where perfection is the goal. The sooner you reach it the sooner you can move on.
If you shifted your story of how the world appears from 'perfection as a goal' to 'perfection as a path' it could open up whole new world where it is possible that imperfection is sought rather than shunned.
Just my $.02, for what it's worth.
And big CONGRATS on the agent loving Wonderland!!!!
Go, girl on the Wonderland outline! I have yet to figure out how to write to an outline. And when I try, the characters change it all around on me :)
I like ewoh's comment on perfection as a "path" - the goal is just that, a goal.
Besides, perfection means we'd be off this plane and on to another one ;) Where's the fun in that???
It's sick--I actually work better under deadlines (something about the pressure that's oddly comforting to me)
Don't get me wrong, guys, I'm not bemoaning my Virgo tendencies...I'm celebrating them. :)
I am one of those hated first-draft writers. Never do second drafts. Pretty much never get revision letters from my editors. Don't even have too much red from copy editors. I start at the first word and write to the last with no outline, usually in a straight shot.
That said, people like you SCARE ME! LOL!!!!!!!!! My clothes hang every which way. My desk is a mess. Clutter is everywhere. I have more trinkets, good luck crap, gods and Buddhas and statues on my desk than paper. I can never find anything. But I accept that's how I am.
Just love the ride is all I can say. Your first book is going to be one of--it sounds like--MANY wonderful milestones. Congrats on the outline being well-received!
Thanks, Erica! Outlines are horrid things. If I can manage, I'll never do another. And you'd be home at my desk--er...I mean, in my pile (my desk is always a pile of papers). I'm just a perfectionist when it comes to odd cans in the cupboard facing forward. It's selective perfectionism. (Trust should see my bedroom--er...the cave. LOL!)
Hi Heather! Just a fellow Backspace member, enjoying your blog! I hope I can learn to set up my page as well as you have. It looks great. I love the "Bleeding Ink." And congrats on all your successes. Your talent and goal oriented personality is going to bring even more of your dreams to fruition.
Have a great night,
Awww, thanks, Lexie! I'm totally claiming you as one of my minions--come back often!
And bring chocolate!
Oh yes! Chocolate! Good thinking, Christopher ;)
Perfectionism seems to be a common trait among writers. Or is it virgos? Hmmm. I vote for chocolate.
Moreso for virgo writers, I think. :)=
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