Fangtastic Authors versus the Hotel of Death
Jackie and I even had dinner with the completely adorable Michelle Rowen! And Michelle brought me an ARC. She's totally in the Horde now. Hmm. Wonder if she knows. Go buy her books too! (Geez, I'm a bossy Minion Overlord today, aren't I?)
I had dinner with the fabulous Michael Bourret, whom I'm pretty sure will be leaving agenting any day now in order to ascend to god status. We were also on a panel...and we rocked the house. So did Barb Ferrer and her agent, Caren Johnson--yay, us!
And, dope that I am, I was running extremely late and missed my meet-up with my amazing editor, Maureen Sullivan. *sobs* But...the rest of the conference was excellent. Lots of old friends, lots of new, plenty of questions about Vlad. And the dinner was fantastic!
And...I met with Adele Griffin (author of the upcoming VAMPIRE ISLAND)! Something tells me Adele and I are going to be friends for a long time. But, more on our cool meeting later. For now, I just want to squish you all (in a good way) and let you in on a cool new detail.
WE HAVE NEW BLING! It's awesome, has the smiley that's featured on Vlad's sweatshirt. You want some? Drop me a line! (see the sidebar for contact info)
For now, Auntie Heather is in recovery (and Vlad is demanding my time). But once I'm sane again, I'll catch you all up even more.
Woo, SO glad you had a good time, great pic, too!!
I love the picture.
you have something trying to escape your blouse :)
Leave it to Jaysen... ;)
Thanks, guys! It was a blast!
Heather, I am sooo jealous. I cannot wait to go to cool events and meet cool writers! Gosh, I need to get my butt in gear and make the changes that I received from a published writer friend. Wish me luck! :*)
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