Reality Bites (and hey, so does Vlad)
Or...not. :)
This may seem strange to you, Minions--it certainly does to me--but today I'm beginning serious work on the third book in The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod...and the first doesn't debut until August. It's weird...I went back and read EIGHTH GRADE BITES and it feels like an eternity ago that I actually wrote it. I've learned so much since then, and Vlad...well, Vlad has been through a lot. I only hope that you enjoy his journey. (But, in order to do that, you need to buy it first.)
What? I'm just sayin' you really wanna be the ONLY person on the planet to have NOT read EGB?? I hear all the cool kids are doing it. Of course, I'm not a supporter of peer pressure. I'm just sayin' might wanna read this first one, and get hooked, and read the next, and the next...because when the final book debuts, you don't wanna be sitting around all "Vlad who?" when everyone else is chattering on about glyphs and secrets and blood and chocolate chip cookies...that's all I'm sayin'.
In other recent interview with Little Willow was picked up by Associated Content. Tres cool!
And...that's about it, really. OH! Also, Vlad and I had a long talk, and we decided to do away with his blog for now. I'm too busy and he's too...well, he's too busy hanging out with Henry to update it as often as he should. We may open up his notebook again once EGB debuts, but for now, that space has been replaced with a new, ultra cool Appearances page! So check it out...and if you'd like me to visit your store/school/library, just drop me a line. I promise I won't bite (that's Vlad's job).
Wow, is your Devon's Playground manuscript finished already, or are you taking a break from it to start Vlad's third book?
(I ask because your writing progress thingy over there doesn't show DP finished).
Oh, I haven't updated that in forever. But Michael asked for 50 solid pages and a synopsis, so...there it is. I'm breaking from DEVON until he needs more or *crosses fingers* it sells....
Cool! Fingers crossed for you!
How far would you travel? When is the next contest? :*)
Well, with travel assistance, there's no limit to how far I'd go. :) As for the visits without that, it all depends on the where/when/what/who/why/how. If it's feasible....I'll make it happen. :)
As for the next contest....very soon.
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