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Monday, August 18, 2008

BREAKING DAWN Discussion (Spoilers!)

Okay, Minions, so I'm almost finished with BREAKING DAWN...and I will be amazed if I can choke down these last 100 pages. So many things have irritated me about this book that I don't even know where to begin. Such as:

1. Why is Jacob the only character who seems to be acting the way he did in previous books? The rest feel like strangers to me. I MISS them!

2. So Bella gets her wedding, A LOT of sex (both pre-vampire and post-vampire), Jacob as her friend (how helpful that those pesky romantic feelings just up and died when she did), Charlie, immortality, and a baby??

3. I am so SICK of everyone gazing in wonder at how perfect Bella is now. Everything comes way to easy to her, she's the most beautiful, etc. Ugh. Pass the bucket. I'm gonna be ill.

4. Where's the conflict?? It seems that every time an interesting problem arises, it's corrected quickly and painlessly.

5. I don't feel like I'm reading a book. I feel like I'm reading a diary.

Those are a few of my reactions. I keep waiting for the Volturi to swoop in and mangle someone important, just to shake things up. *sigh* What did you guys think?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are they even Kid's books? i was looking foward to buying the book sets but if they have a lot of sex in them i cant :( are they kids/kid appropret books?

Luv AVL.

8:06 AM  
Blogger Heather Brewer said...

The first three books have no sex and are very appropriate for teens, even young teens. But BREAKING DAWN. Oy. Lots of sex, though most of what happens is off-stage.

8:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanx Auntie Heather! and i'm screaming i cant beleave u just talked to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love ur books!!! (i needed to know cuz my moms very pretective and dont want me reading anything that is to inapropret thats why she likes to read the books before i do!)

Love AVL!!!!!!

8:14 AM  
Blogger Heather Brewer said...

LOL! No worries, AVL - the first three Twilight Saga books are very clean. :)

8:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:15 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i totally agree. Bella changed so much, she was very out of character. It was very disappointing.

8:18 AM  
Blogger Heather Brewer said...

It's weird to see an unclumsy Bella...

8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

honestly, do you realize that the second two books were just there to fill the gap between the first book and the conclusion? Maybe.

I frown at everyone's disappointment.

Am I the only one who liked the book?!

You know, Meyer was just trying to tell a story because she liked it.

I only write so I can talk to people about stuff I come up with in my boredom. Not to please them.

Didn't you KNOW that we would lose our relatability with Bella?

*shakes head* You won't like the ending, might as well stop right where you are, and imagine whatever ending makes YOU happy.

10:04 AM  
Blogger Heather Brewer said...

A perfectly acceptable reaction, RJ - no one would begrudge you your opinion. I just finished the book, and y'know...it just seems like there was a lot less at stake than in previous books. And I, personally, didn't feel the same attachment to most of the characters, which made me sad. (And honestly, Nessie creeped me out a little) But they're just my opinions - and everyone is absolutely welcome to theirs.

Oooh, good news! I heard the TWILIGHT movie will be released three weeks earlier!

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for not sounding as immature in your reply to me as in your complaint about the book.

Personally, I really don't know how or why, but I could relate to Bella as a vampire just as much as when she was human, And you probably just didn't like it because you were expecting too much out of it, whilst I, who liked it, was expecting failure.

11:00 AM  
Blogger Heather Brewer said...

Uh....thank you? I certainly don't detract anything I said. Glad you liked it, but me? I'll count myself a fan of the first three books. Not BD.

It...sucked. HA! Ah, I kill me! (get it? Vamapires?? Ah well, Vlad laughed...)

11:04 AM  
Blogger Heather Brewer said...

Lookitthat, I can't even type "vampires" properly today. *sigh*

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its AVL again :) thanx again for answering to ME i was sooo exited that i screamed and had 2 cover my mouth so it wasnt as loud cuz my mom would be angry!

I LOVE UR BOOKS!!!!! and i cant wait till the 3d comes out! its act-u-ly really making me deprest that i gotta wait! ur AWESOME! and i think im in love with Vlad ;0

but he's to old for me *sighs* cuz i only turned 12 in june *even more sighs* VLAD RULES!!!!

and sooo da u Auntie heather!

Luv AV!

12:14 PM  
Blogger Heather Brewer said...

Aww, thank you, AVL! I'm glad you like Vlad so much. Are you into manga at all? VAMPIRE KNIGHT is an excellent series. In fact, VAMPIRE KISSES is now in manga form too (and it's a pretty sweet vampire books series, if you don't already know). Just some suggestions!

12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh well, I wasn't trying to make you like it.

It's not my favorite book anyway, I prefer mage fantasy personaly so the series was good, but not great for me.

1:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um...The drawing style? if so Yes, think its kool cuz its realistic but its still like a kool way (sowy ima not a good explainer!)

Sowy my mom went on the computer soo i couldnt answer! and ima sowy if im being a pest i was just really exited that u talked 2 me ;)

and im jus about to -finaly- make a blogger name.

Luv AVL!

2:49 PM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

I got a blogger name!!! soooo this is AVL! just telling ya its AVL!_VLAD_LOVER!

luv AVL!

2:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You didn't like it? I LOVED BD. And in my opinion, Nessie was adorable, but 'Renessme'? What kind of a name is that? She should have made her Carlie Renessme instead. It's prettier.

The characters' changes in attitude is understandable to me. People (and vampires) just change sometimes. Though Bella's perfection did go a little overboard, the other three books did talk about how extremely ordinary and clumsy she is(was). This was just a very happy/feel good/conclusive book (well, not all of it was happy).

I can't really see this one becoming a movie, like the others will. Just like you said, there wasn't much conflict. And there was a lot of build up, but little action. It probably wouldn't get very good reviews.

I can understand how it would disappoint some people, but I had very low expectations, so it made me happy :).
(wow, this is the longest comment I've ever posted O.O)

3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ugh. The book was so much different than I was hoping. Bella having a baby...then Jacob imprinting with it? It seemed like it went way in the different direction. I loved Meyer's first three books, but I have to admit that this was certainly not her best. No dis-respect to her though, I understand how hard it is to write a book, especially one that will make everyone happy.

3:32 PM  
Blogger Heather Brewer said...

Yay, AVL!

Rainbow - I can understand why some people would like the book (and I definitely agree on the movie thing). I think all that happy happy joy joy just gave Auntie Heather a migraine. lol!

Anon - oh yes, writing a book is a chore, and though you want to make everyone happy, it's an impossible task (there are absolutely people who dislike Vlad, so I know a bit about that). As a reader, I was deeply disappointed, but it just wasn't my bag is all (though I reserve the right to whine about it - lol!). And yeah, that whole Jacob imprinting on Nessie thing? Ewwwww...it creeped me out.

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know, Jacob will think of Nessie as a little sister basically for the next seven-ish years. but hey, if you absolutely are incapable of excepting anything about the book, then fine.

4:26 PM  
Blogger Heather Brewer said...

Wow, RJ, harsh. There are these things, called opinions...we each have them ;)

It was creepy...to me.

4:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and I agree with everyone or at least everyone who says that Renesmee is weird, it sticks out too much in the book as an original name, if everyone had names like that it would be completely normal, but they don't. and it flows weird, but she'll probably just go by Nessie for all of eternity anyway...

4:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I should have said refuse, hey, I souldn't have said that at all, sorry. I'm so mean, and should really not talk at all. Sorry.

4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NO, that was not sarcasm. I really mean it. I really really am sorry for being so rude.

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked it a lot. It wasn't the BEST book ever- especially the ending. No fight? Boring.
Though have one third of the book in Jacob's perception was interesting, It got boring after awhile. I really think it could have been a chapter or two shorter.
Renesme was a lil weird. I grew to like her name though. But even then, how could it be possible? I thought Edward was dead. Some parts just didn't make sense at all.
It was good, but could have been better. I don't think it was as bad as you made it out to be.

4:36 PM  
Blogger Heather Brewer said...

It's coll, RJ. As I said, we all have our opinions. No biggie :)

Tennav - that's interesting. While I'm normally not the biggest Jacob supporter, I found his section the best part. Funny world, innit? ;)

5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Auntie Heather i'm so happy you responded back to my comment! And I finally got a name!! (anon. here, just letting you know!) I also don't really like Jacob as much as others, but I found his point of view to be interesting in the beginning, finding out how Bella looked and what she was to him, after all of this time you finally get to see inside of his head.

7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the book. And though some people may think it's kind of weird for Jacob to have imprinted, I like that at least he gets someone. I love Jacob and have always felt heartbroken. *I have this weird thing where I REALLY feel character's emotions* But, I guess that's just me...and yes...the perfect Bella thing always just makes me go. -.- And...I HATED when the Volutari came in! It was probably the most boring part of the book!

And I am re-reading the 2nd book of Vladimir in classes! So much fun! And I have the 3rd book's cover as an avatar that someone made for me! :3 I just love Vladimir! He's NOW my age too. But he won't be soon. T___T Oh well. I go for older guys anyways.

4:37 AM  
Blogger Heather Brewer said...

blackleaper - Yeah, that was pretty cool. Jacob is always so funny and puts on a tough act - I really enjoyed being in his head for a while.

harryandchoi - excellent point, poor Jacob! At least he has someone after all of this.

5:25 AM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

This is very awkard cuz ive never read them:)

ima sooo proud to be a minion:)


6:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

spoiler...i think?

you're points are true...i got really bored with the book but i read it to find out what happened at the end...XD. It was anti-climactic...i was hoping someone would at least die.
though i didn't want them too either

but seriously.
Breaking Dawn was something i was waiting for now i'm like...oh...that was suckish >.<

8:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While the majority of readers weren't satisfied I, personally, loved it? XD

I also really loved Ninth Grade Slays ;), which I just finished reading. I know, I'm late. But I hadn't been able to buy the book before even though I very much wanted to :/ (living in The Netherlands can be a pain when you're desperate for book in English). Either way, I was sad to read the last word knowing that that was all the Vlad I'd be getting in a while...

10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Auntie, responding to a comment way up there: VAMPIRE KISSES IS AMAZING! Although sometimes I want to SMACK Raven, I luffles that series. Yay for manga! Have you read Vampire Hunter D yet? Whee!!! .....*idea*.....Vlad could be a manga! How cool would THAT be?! Lololol!!!

10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was very 'ehhh *that hand motion that means "so-so"*' about BD. (Wow, that's a lot symbols. Oops.) I thought it was... okay, but not great. Know what I mean?

8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooo yeah. I love Vampire Knight, Vampire Kisses, Vampire Diaries, Chronicles of Vladimir Tod...I'm a Vampire addict. :3

8:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok i love your books.... but dont be slammin breaking dawn it was a kickbut book and happens to be one of my faverites!!!!!!! The twilight series and your series should BOTH be read.

4:29 PM  
Blogger Heather Brewer said...

Slammin' it? Nah, I'm just sharing my opinion as a reader...just like you. ;)

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with most of you about Bella, but Nessie in my opinion is one of the coolest characters in Breaking Dawn, and to be honest i liked Jacob more before he became a were-wolf. One thing i hated about the last book is when Alice and Jasper left even if she did it for a good reason.

8:51 PM  
Blogger AVL!_VLAD_LOVER! said...

I thnk that im going to Faint if D'Ablo kicks Vlads but again im meen it would be awesome if Vlad knocked him out in at least one seen! cuz like Vlad is AWESOME and i thnk that if he really tried one time he might be able to knock him out, i meen he's only human i meen Vampire ;)

Luv AVL.

7:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, it CERTAINLY wasn't my favorite book.
It was all to...happy. Everyone won, and that's just not like life's supposed to be, and I know it's just a story she wanted to write, but stll. I didn't see a plot or a conflict in the book. =/
Someone should of died or something. Not a main character, but someone who would still create some sort of drama. -_-'
Well, I love your books Heather! :)


11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Tiffany. It was good to see that everyone won, but it was so weird. I think it's because she wrote the host in between Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, since the host was all science fiction. She forgot to go back into her 'twilight mood' before writing breaking dawn. It wasn't one of my favorites, in my opinion.
Hey Heather! Your books rock! You rock, too! Do you still have minion bling?????

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lool i liked it very much it was just weird with bella being a vmp and stuff ya know? lol im sad now ive been twilightless for 3 months now but now i found your seris and i loved them! cant wait for the thrid oneee! :D

12:59 PM  
Anonymous nina said...

what you said about breaking dawn was very true. The characters had only a spec of their true mannerisms. I did like the book though.... have you finished reading it? i really thought the ending was cool. I would also like to tell you that i LOVE your books. my aunt had to convice me to read them and i'm so glad she did!! i can't wait to read 10th Grade bleeds.

7:57 PM  

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What People Are Saying About 'Eighth Grade Bites'

"A spooky mystery that's funny, gruesome, heartwarming, spellbinding, sad, joyous, surprising and topped off with a tasty blend of blood and chocolate. Yum. What more could you ask for?" ~D.J. MacHale, New York Times-bestselling author of PENDRAGON: JOURNAL OF AN ADVENTURE THROUGH TIME AND SPACE

"'Eighth grade Bites' had me on the edge of my seat. It's a great piece of fiction. It drops you right into the action, grabs you by the throat (pun intended), and won't let go. Vladimir Tod is a truly sympathetic character cursed with an existence not of his own doing, but doing his best to do the right thing. It's part 'Goosebumps' mixed with 'Harry Potter' and a dash – no, a heaping tablespoon – of Stephen King. If you're in eighth grade, or a vampire, or an eighth grade vampire, 'Eighth Grade Bites' is a definite must read!"~Butch Hartman, creator of Nickelodeon's THE FAIRLY ODD PARENTS and DANNY PHANTOM

"Eighth Grade Bites is a terrific vampire tale told with a sharp, middle-school grin. It definitely does not bite!" ~Christopher Moore, author of BLOODSUCKING FIENDS and A DIRTY JOB

"Eighth Grade Bites is a delightful novel filled with dark, biting humor that will appeal to everyone who ever felt they were different. A deft hand at depicting the angst of teen years, Heather Brewer does a wonderful job blending vampire legend with the modern day horror that strikes fear in the heart of so many: the eighth grade."~Katie MacAlister, New York Times-bestselling author of EVEN VAMPIRES GET THE BLUES

"Heather Brewer has invented the most endearing of vampires in Vlad, an eighth grader juggling the woes of adolescence with the decidedly unique difficulties of being a vampire. She perfectly captures the humor and angst of eighth grade, mixed with a nail-biting adventure. Utterly charming and irresistible!" ~Liza Conrad, author of HIGH SCHOOL BITES: THE LUCY CHRONICLES

"This book will fool you. Just when you think you've identified it as a story lit by the cheery glow of a slightly scary jack-o-lantern, it becomes something else -- a tale told by the flickering light of a dying campfire late at night. And the shadows are very dark indeed. A surprising mix of humor and horror." ~Douglas Rees, author of VAMPIRE HIGH

"Fresh and fast-paced, with just the right brew of chills and laughs. I’m looking forward to finding out what happens when Vlad hits Grade Nine." ~Nancy Baker, author of KISS OF THE VAMPIRE

"A fabulous book from a gifted storyteller! I never wanted it to end." ~Gena Showalter, author of OH MY GOTH