The Horrors of Wonderland
I know what scares me. The unseen. Abandoned crazy houses. The creepy giggle of a little girl. Old wheelchairs. As I once told my mother (I believe I was seven), "I'm not afraid of the's what's in the dark that scares me." So with this book, I'm putting a lot of things in the dark. It's scary. But it's good.
Even as a child, I was equally freaked out by/drawn to the story of Alice. So it was only a matter of time before I became engulfed in the idea that I'm currently working on. The book is about a boy named Dillon who stumbles into Wonderland via an ages-old mirror. But Wonderland isn't exactly the Disney-inspired version anymore. It's dark. It's burnt. It's gruesome. Some of the book is a reinvention of what Lewis Carroll had created. But most of it is all Heather. His tale will fit so well with mine--and mine just puts a different take on his.
I really don't want to go into much detail until I finish it...but I'm thoroughly enjoying writing Dillon's tale. And I'm driven on by the notion that through developing a book of my own fears (well, I left out the clowns), I may create a book that will truly terrify kids. And that's a good thing--I loved being scared by books as a child. Because in the end, you can close the book and go back to your safe, cozy life.
One without the Jabberwocky.
What? No Jabberwocky?
From the little I've read, WONDERLAND is going to be a terrifying, thrilling ride -- sort of like going on a roller coaster and just as you crest the top, you see a sign that says, "Warning: track work ahead." Heh.
There's nothing like a good scare. Because catharsis totally rocks. :)
I love that analogy! And I hope you're right.
No worries--the Jabberwocky is definitely a big part of Wonderland...and something Dillon will have to face before the end.
Oh -- THAT Jabberwocky. Here I thought you were talking about Josh and Steve at the JABberwocky Literary Agency...
Note to self, part two: Find the damn books...
LOL! Smart alec. ;)
First boxes, Jax...then books.
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