Being on Submission is FUN!
Yep. It's one of those days.
The Chapter That Wouldn't Die is haunting me--mostly because I did a foolish thing and reread the original version last night. I've never been so torn. So I'm going to reread both this morning and then send them off to my fabulous critique partner for her thoughts.
Dude, have I mentioned how much being on submission sucks?? I mean, I'm enjoying it--don't get me wrong. I'm completely fixated on the glimmer of hope in the distance ("Hope dangles on a string, like slow spinning redemption. Winding in and winding out. The shine of it has caught my eye."--Dashboard Confessional, Vindicated). I'm loving the attention, the promise, the infinite feeling of maybe.
But it's seriously screwing with my writing routine.
I can't focus. Normally I wake up, grab a Diet Pepsi, check email, return emails, read blogs, read Backspace forum posts, write in my blog, work on whatever scene(s) I thought about as I was falling asleep the night before. I have become, much to my amazement, a creature of habit. Like a bunny. An evil bunny with big, gnashing teeth and a tail of flames...just wandering the hillside in search of tasty flesh.
Or not.
I've been really distracted lately.
So now my routine has become: wake up, grab Diet Pepsi (some things are imbedded deep in my DNA), stare out the window, stare at cell phone, check email, return emails, wander around the internet looking up humorous and/or intriguing articles, stare at phone some more, open Ninth Grade Sucks file, read last paragraph of where I left off, minimize file, check Backspace forums, check email again, get another Diet Pepsi, close Ninth Grade Sucks window, launch Sims, play for five minutes--then close the application, daydream about Eighth Grade Bites being a real book on a shelf and everything, wonder how thick it will be, wonder if publishers will be remotely interested in my ideas for cover art, check Backspace forums again, read blogs, get yet another Diet Pepsi, force self to write.
That usually takes care of my first hour or so of the day.
And I'm out of Diet Pepsi.
*returns head to desk*
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