My Website Sucks!
Lately, I've been reading everything I can find from anyone in the publishing industry concerning the best way for a new author to promote his or herself. The common thread has been three things. 1) a fabulous website, 2) a good web presence, and 3) getting to know your local booksellers and librarians.
Let's begin at the end and end at the beginning, shall we, minions?
#3 is going to be the most difficult for me, as I'm still pretty new to this city (and state) and, at last count, I believe there are more than 50 independent bookstores in St. Louis, as well as the usual chains (Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Borders, etc.). I'm hoping to map out the stores and hit every single one. (And maybe I could stick a giant map of St. Louis on my wall and use little red pins for every store, replacing each with a black pin once I know...kinda like those old war movies. No? Yeah, I'm not digging the idea either.) It'll take time and effort, but luckily, I have those things in abundance. And libraries? Hoo boy...there are a lot, but it'll be a joy to visit them all and get to know some great people.
The huge plus here is that I love bookstores and libraries, so this part ought to be a ton of fun.
#2 isn't going to be that difficult. I post on many different forums and have friends and acquaintances around the world that will be happy to spread the word about (and hopefully buy) my book. Sure, my presence has shrunk while I've been hard at work with my writing, but that's easily rectified.
#1 is probably the easiest item on the list. And I've already got it covered. Recently, I hired a fabulous web designer to revamp (heh) my site. Shelley Kay of Webcrafter Designs is talented, incredibly nice, and I'm sure she'll be a joy to work with. So, come early June, I should be announcing my brand spankin' new website, in all its vampy glory. And it won't suck. will, but in that good slurp-up-the-blood kinda way.
This isn't all I'll do to promote Eighth Grade Bites, of course. There will be school visits, contests, and a zillion other little things. But for's a start.
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