Random Twitchiness
Well, strike that. I can be a patient person when I need to. You know, like when I'm waiting on anything publishing-related (okay...I pretty much fake this, but I like to appear patient, because it's professional to seem so). But when it comes to waiting in a doctor's office, waiting in a long line at the grocery store, or standing behind someone at the bank who insists on depositing $380 in one dollar bills (you know who you are)...I'm less than patient.
The worst of my impatience is directed at myself. See, whenever I'm working on a new project, I want to go, go, go, get it finished, get it done, so that I can bask in the happy afterglow of a newly created story. But when it doesn't come fast and easy, when I can't seem to reach that unreasonable daydream of 40,000 in two days (heh), I get crabby. And I start the woe-is-me routine that I'm sure every writer is familiar with.
I start to doubt my work, and that's a ridiculous thing to do. Just because I can't finish another book super fast and make with the happy doesn't mean I'm a crappy writer. It doesn't mean I'll never be able to write another book that anyone will like. It doesn't mean my entire career ends with Vlad. It means that I need to take a break, drink some peach tea, and forget about everything that's going on in my life, so that I can focus on Dillon and what he's trying to tell me.
It's funny, though. I feel such a loyalty to Vlad that it's difficult for me to open up to Dillon. He's a great guy, sure, but he's not Vlad...and I need to stop moping that he isn't.
Vlad's sitting on a moonlit beach, sipping a virgin (and quite literally) Bloody Mary, enjoying his short break and wishing me the best.
I just have to give Dillon a chance.
(It just occurred to me how completely insane I sound when I talk about my characters...huh.)
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