Brushing Off Cobwebs
1. Write a book.
2. Read every book on the writing/editorial process you can find (especially Stephen King's On Writing).
3. Edit, edit, edit, chop what you've written into bits and edit some more.
4. Give it to a few people to read (preferably a blend of writers and readers who read your chosen genre).
5. Take the bits of their advice that make the most sense, especially if they seem to express the same troubles with your work.
6. Edit (again).
7. Repeat 3-6 until your manuscript shines brighter that Rudolph's butt (yeah...that's red too).
8. Write a query letter.
9. Read every article you can about query letters.
10. Repeat steps 3-7 with your query.
11. Organize a list of reputable agents who may be a good fit for your work by going to such sites as Agent Query, Publisher's Marketplace, Preditors & Editors, Writer Beware, and Everyone Who's Anyone.
12. Send out a few queries.
13. Wait.
14. Wait.
15. Wait.
16. Wait
17. Mail out requested partials and fulls.
18. Wait.
19. Wait.
20. Wait.
21. With any luck, an agent (or a few agents) will be interested in your work and you'll sign with them and live happily ever after. However, as often is the case, you may need to start over at number 8, number 3 or even the dreaded number 1.
At any rate, you shouldn't be reading this blog entry.
You should be writing.
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